Sunday, March 1, 2015

ISS astronauts completed another spacewalk – Virtual Poland

Two US astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) successfully completed the third Sunday in Space output in preparation for the construction of two new docks.

Barry Wilmore and Terry W. Virts installed two sets of antenna and put the last 122 meters of cables for data transmission. The actions of American astronauts during spacewalk coordinated Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti the European Space Agency. Astronauts performed scheduled for Sunday work in five hours and forty minutes, for over an hour faster than planned. In total, during the three exits into space spent outside the ISS 19 hours. After returning to the ISS Virts reported that when he finished outside the station reached the airlock and began to equalize the pressure in his helmet appeared in small amount of water, just like the previous exit into space. He stressed, however, that it was nothing serious. It was found that it was caused by condensation. NASA has ensured that the astronaut in no time he was exposed to danger.

The new docks constructed on the Harmony module, where the former US moored shuttles. In the future, they take manned ships, currently being built by US company Boeing and SpaceX. The first tests of these vessels are scheduled for the end of 2016., And the first flight to the ISS – for 2017.

Since in 2011 have been withdrawn from the operation of all US shuttles and Russian Soyuz ships are the only means of transporting people to the ISS.

On the ISS, the space laboratory built at the cost of approx. $ 100 billion and belonging to 15 countries, is currently six people: three Russians, two Americans and an Italian woman.

See also: How do astronauts sleep?


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