Thursday, March 19, 2015

Eclipses were of great significance in the history of cultural and … – Politics

With the observation of the solar corona during an eclipse in 1868. Had discovered helium, which on Earth occurs in traces. However, it is in space – above all in the stars – second only to the most common element hydrogen.

Also, the solar eclipse in 1919. Astrofizykowi Arthur helped confirm Eddingtonowi main postulate of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which says that mass warps space. And the curvature is in fact what is called gravity. Watching the sun darkened and the stars close to him – then visible – Eddington noted that they change position relative to the time when the sun is not close.

Solar happiness

Culturally usually combined eclipse of important events that are to come. With eclipses – and foreseeability thereof – was predicted for happiness and success rulers. Also used to manipulate the masses eclipses, which brilliantly described Twain in his “Pharaoh”.

Once people rather afraid of eclipses, because they do not understand the mechanisms that cause them. Today eclipses are already something quite common. Something you do not need to worry, because there accompanied by any adverse events and we also know that it is short-lived events.

Night in broad daylight

Similarly, in science. Today, astronomers expect to discover during eclipses any major revelations. Have telescopes, which can observe the Sun without interruption. They also have scientific satellites dedicated to testing only the Sun and its activity, for example. Solar Dynamic Observatory.

However, the solar eclipse by the Moon – especially the total – are still passionate people, because they are clearly visible phenomenon in celestial mechanics action in our the solar system. Besides the fact that suddenly in broad daylight for a while it gets dark is quite remarkable.

What is an eclipse?

A solar eclipse by the Moon occurs when our satellite is between Earth and the Sun, and simply obscures the light of our star. There are also eclipse caused by Venus and Mercury, but these are now much less frequent and less spectacular.

eclipse by the Moon are quite common, they can occur several times a year, but usually we see them as a partial. If the observer is not in place to extend the line joining the sun and the moon during an eclipse, it sees them as partial. If there is a more or less at the point of the extension of the line – see totality. Moon completely covers the solar disc.

The total eclipse is possible because the angular size and the Moon and Sun are similar. Although the sun is several hundred times larger in diameter than the moon, but there is several hundred times farther from Earth than the Moon.


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