Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Steam Link: reasonable alternative to Steam Machines. Valve has … – Gadzeto Mania

Valve finger on the pulse and do not want to be worse than the competition. Since Sony has PlayStation TV, and giants like Amazon or Google your multimedia “consoles”, the PCs company also wants to have a small, multimedia box full. And no – Steam Link.

Logical thinking Valve can not refuse. Pecetowcy wanting to play in the living room can be seduced into one of the Steam Machines. But what about those who are under the desk have a new, decent PC, but also would like to play in the living room – but not on a large, occupying a place blaszaku?

So Valve found a way to cash in on these potential clients. Steam Link to really small, elegant and the box , with which we will send an image from a PC to a TV.

So we can say that this is the answer to the PlayStation PCs TV – Gadget allows you not only to play on the big screen in the game with Vita, but also send the picture with PlayStation 4 to the other, not connected to the console TV.

Valve meets the (silent) dream of many pecetowców. Sit back in the comfort of your chair, grab the rain and play like on the console. Except that on a PC.

Steam Link eliminates problem with moving equipment . Also, the lack of space – in the end, not all are so wide shelf to hold on to their PC. And besides blaszak, even in pretty good case, not so favorably looks like a small box, which probably will not even notice.

The obstacle is not a quality – the game will be streamed in Full HD resolution and 60 frames per second . So do not lose anything.

The greatest advantage of Steam Link is the price. $ 50 for such a theoretically simple device seems to be a large sum, but it’s much, much less than the price of the PlayStation TV ($ 140, but after the release of former reduction) or “multimedia consoles on Android” which usually cost about $ 100.

Valve has not invented anything new, Steam Link operates on a similar principle as its competitors. But it costs less and gives access to a huge library of games. I meet the most important function: allows you to play in the living room, on a large TV . The PCs of the game. This is a big advantage.

Bravo, Valve . It makes sense.

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