Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Google algorithm scored blunder. He signed the picture in offensive … –

Google Photos is one of the most important applications of Google, presented in a new version at this year’s conference Google I / O . Among the many new and exciting features found themselves automatically recognize objects, people, places. With the new application, we can look at our photographs trees, cars, beaches – the system automatically finds images where the objects are.

In the same way the system works face recognition. Google is able to so quickly search for all photos that are – even if they would not have signed.

Error algorithm

Automatic indexing of images, however, does not work perfectly. You can understand and accept – artificial intelligence is not perfect. The error that happened to Google software could however be considered offensive. Google Photos zaindeksowało image in which there are two blacks males under the slogan “Gorillas”.

Representatives of Google, and tells the Wall Street Journal, has apologized and announced that they will be happy that such situations never took place. Not only that, Google contacted the man, asked for permission to more accurately analyze its data. After an hour, the company released an upgrade. Unfortunately, the next day it turned out that two successive still images are marked as “Gorillas”.

Google operates

Google decided to stop using the words “Gorilla” and “Gorillas” as a category, according to which photos are segregated. The problem insignificant in terms of equipment turned out to be one of the key to the solution. The company decided to refine both facial recognition system, as well as indexing system.

Artificial intelligence is not “malicious” and only too little sensitive to the social and emotional issues. Let us hope that the recognition of images will soon be even more improved.


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