Friday, July 24, 2015

It is another second Earth. And that’s not all – Politics

The planet, called Kepler 452b which is spaced about 1.4 thousand. light years away from us and we are in the constellation Cygnus. It is bigger and older than our planet. Its diameter is about 60 percent. greater than the diameter of the Earth. Scientists estimate that has approx. 6 billion years old (a 1.5 billion more than our solar system). The weight and construction of the planet has not yet been established, but it is known that the planet revolves around a star similar to our Sun – It most likely the first planet with a rocky structure, which could be life – Jeff said Coughlin, a scientist from NASA .

The distance between Kepler 452b and the Sun makes its year lasts 385 days, which is almost as much as on Earth. What’s more, scientists with high probability estimate that the planet is water.

Thanks to the Kepler mission the number of discovered planets outside our solar system rose to 1030, while candidates for the planet is the 4696th 12 of the exoplanets discovered has a diameter close or up to two times that of the Earth. Revolve around stars, of which 9 are similar in size and temperature as our sun.

Kepler looks for the second Earth

The Odyssey Space Telescope Kepler is from March 2009 . It would be one of the best in the history of space exploration.

The biggest challenge for NASA’s Kepler telescope was to find a second Earth – rocky planets and thus, a small, localized in the so-called. ecosphere, which is orbiting a parent star at a distance “just in time” – not too far and not too close.

After examining the telescope 150 thousand. stars on the border of the constellations Lyra and Cygnus, before scientists released a whole new world.

It turned out that the planet is much more than the stars, and the latter only in our galaxy is approx. 400 billion. The vast majority of the approx. 1700 discovered planet Kepler telescope is not like Earth. These are usually a planet far from Earth, larger and very often orbit too close to their stars to be included in the environmental zone.

The Kepler Telescope discovered a planet the size of Earth or even smaller, for example, found in Lyra in 2011. exoplanet Kepler-20f has a radius equal to 1,034 Earth’s radius (and its neighbor, Kepler-20e is smaller than Venus), but it orbits a star similar to the Sun in 19 days. It is therefore far too close.

Some of alien planets discovered in orbit even ecological zones, for example, the last two exoplanets with the Kepler-62 identified in 2013. However, there are a lot larger and more massive than Earth. These planets in turn have (if any), the most thick and dense atmosphere, so the pressure on their surfaces would be too great for the known organisms. To planet could become the cradle of life, it must be complied with many different conditions.

Even so, such planets may be billions. Insiders issue estimate that as much as 17 percent. the stars of our galaxy is a planet or Earth-type planets. Question – how many of them circulates in the environmental zone? Based on data collected by the telescope, scientists estimate that one out of five stars comparable to the sun (in terms of yellow dwarf-type star) is even one type of planet Earth, which is of comparable mass, size and temperature. Orange dwarf stars in our galaxy approx. 7 per cent., Which is approximately 30 billion. It’s what to look for.

Other Second Earth

In January of this year, NASA scientists reported the discovery of another candidate for a second Earth. It was called Kepler-186b. The planet is from Earth by 475 light years, so-called. red dwarf star (a star smaller than the sun) orbits in 35 days. Its surface is probably rocky. And about 12 percent. larger than the surface of the Earth. There is also similar to the temperature (0-60 degrees Celsius).

Until now, it was believed that the Earth is closest planet Kepler-186F. It has a radius of 1.1 Earth’s radius – is therefore only a little bigger than Earth – and orbits its parent star every 130 days. This means that from this star – in this case a red dwarf star whose radius is 0.47 the radius of the Sun, divides it significantly smaller distance than that in which the earth revolves around the sun.

The researchers acknowledge, however, that Kepler-186F moves in the so-called. environmental protection zone, which is the space in which is neither too hot, nor too cold for life as we know it. But is it enough to make it on any planet found there life? That still do not know. The search for a second Earth is not limited to the question whether the second Earth – and so the planet of suitable mass and dealing with its star ecosphere – somewhere in our galaxy exists. We know today that there is, or even that there are many such planets! Their finding is only a matter of time.


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