Friday, July 24, 2015

Kepler-452b. And what if the “new earth” is life? Here are the most interesting facts about the newly discovered planet –

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1. Where is the “new earth”?

Kepler-452b is far away, because as 1,400 light years from us. It lies in the constellation Cygnus and moves around a star (Kepler-452) very similar to our Sun, an orbit of only 5 percent. longer than the orbit of the Earth.

2. There’s this excellent conditions for the emergence of life

Kepler-452b from six billion years lies in the so-called. ecosphere stars, which are favorable conditions for the emergence of life. If there was a closer, the temperature at the surface would be too high. If you would lie too far – too low. Kepler-452b was spent in the optimal zone of much more time than the Earth. The newly discovered planet was therefore the best opportunity to do so arose for her life, if only on the surface were required for the items. There is also still a possibility that life existed there in the past, but it is gone.

3. On the surface can be water and active volcanoes

Another fact arising from a good position Kepler-452b from its star is temperature theoretically allows you to stay on the planet’s surface liquid water. Researchers at the SETI Institute, analyzed data from NASA and found that the so massive planet probably still has on its surface active volcanoes. Yet all of this is based only on the assumption that the planet is rocky, not gas. These conclusions drawn from previous studies of planets of similar size.

4. On its surface could grow terrestrial plants

The star around which revolves Kepler-452b, has the same temperature as the sun, but is slightly larger, which emits larger amounts of heat and energy. As noted by “The Independent”, additional light whose properties are very similar to the light reaching Earth, in theory it means that the Earth’s plants would have a great time there. This in turn increases the chances of a good environment for organisms that need oxygen to live produced by the process of photosynthesis. For example people.

5. We see a picture of 1400 years ago

because of the enormous distance at which we observe Kepler-452b, we must remember that all the images and data that we receive, are 1400 years. So much time that overcomes the distance light. If we imagine that Kepler-452b pointed at this moment telescope toward Earth, its inhabitants would see the year 615. In Europe, lasting then the best fight of the Slav peoples.

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6. Gravity is much stronger, but the man could get used to it

Kepler-452b is about 60 percent. larger than Earth, and gravity is twice stronger. This means that we would feel there two times heavier than we are. But this is nothing – the man is able to get used to really many things. As said Jon Jenkins, an analyst at NASA working on data from Kepler telescope, the human body przystosowałoby to greater gravity. With time, however, probably would become “more squat.”

7. Year lasts almost as much as on Earth

Another similarity Kepler-452b is its orbit, which is only 5 percent. longer than the orbit of Earth. This means that the year on a “new Earth” lasts 385 days. The difference is so really incredibly small.

8. The journey there takes more than there is humanity

Unfortunately, despite all the amazing similarities to Earth, dreams of colonization (or at least visiting) a new planet for now are totally unrealistic. Even if we went toward her with the speed of light – which at the moment is of course impossible – journey would take 1400 years. And what about just using the technology available to us.

New Horizon probe, which has recently provided us with beautiful pictures of Pluto, was the fastest ship that has so far left the Earth. From our orbit, it flew at a speed of 58 536 km / h. How long the journey would take at this rate on Kepler-452b? About 25.8 million years ago. For comparison – the first primitive human species evolved more than 2,5 million years ago.

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