Tuesday, July 7, 2015

New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto approaches – Gazeta.pl









New Horizons probe, which launched from Earth in 2006., July 14, reaches the goal of his trip – the most distant from the sun dwarf planet Pluto and its satellites – informed scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (California) .





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In last. Saturday supervising flight scientists probe survived the moments of horror when she unexpectedly a past in “standby mode”, meaning m. al., that lost contact with her.

It was established that the main cause was overloading the computer probe that simultaneously tried to save new information in memory and compress already saved.

Fortunately, everything could be after a short time to restore to normal, but – as said team boss prof. Alan Stern – approx. 30 observation did not take place. However, he added that this is “less than 1 percent.” the whole program.

On Monday the probe at a distance of 9 million kilometers of Pluto, which is approaching at a speed of 14 km / sec and 4.7 billion km from Earth. The huge distance from Earth makes radio signal from the probe needs until 4 pm. and 25 minutes to reach receiving antennas.

In the coming days the probe will transmit more and more images of Pluto and its largest satellite – Charon. Pluto is the most distant from the sun so. dwarf planet of the Solar System (its mass is only 1/6 of the weight of the Earth’s Moon). By 2006,. He had the status of nine “full-fledged” planet of the solar system, but ultimately lost her. So far, he was completely unexplored and surrounded him certain mystique.

Scientists already fascinated the first images sent by the probe. They show that Pluto has a reddish color and its satellite Charon is gray. On the surface of Pluto are mysterious stains. Around the planet’s poles are white, for example. On Earth or Mars, but the black.

Pluto receives negligible, compared with the Earth, the amount of light and solar heat. For one lap until the sun needs 248 Earth years.

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