Friday, July 31, 2015

The newly discovered planetary system with three superziemiami – Interia

Astronomers have discovered a planetary system with three superziemiami orbiting around the bright, dwarf star.

The Spitzer Space Telescope made the observation the next transit of the planet (HD 219134b) against a star


Already in January for the first time reported the existence of a planetary system EPIC 201367065, in which three small exoplanets detected a “Super-Earth”. What do we know about them? Read more

The star HD219134 is located in the constellation Cassiopeia 21 light-years from Earth. This is an orange dwarf bright enough that you can see it with the naked eye. 4 planets orbiting a star – one of the gas giant and three objects known as Super-Earth.

have a greater mass than the Earth, but they are much lighter than gas giants present in the solar system, such as Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter. It is not known what is the structure of the newly discovered exoplanets. They can be rocky, gaseous or and such and such. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers discovered that the planets are 1.6, 2.7, 4.5 and 8.7 times the size of Earth.

– Knowing the mass of the planets, we can conclude that the density of at least one of them is similar to the Earth. This means that it may have a similar composition. It is located very close to the star. The temperature exceeds 400 ° C there. Probably the planet’s surface melts and looks like covered with volcanic lava. This is not a good place to sustain life – said Stephane Udry, one of the authors of the study.

The planet, referred to – HD219134b – is not in the ecosphere, so it can not exist where water in a liquid state. But this is a remarkable for another reason. Astronomy is the closest known planet transit, that is passing through the shield stars. As a result, scientists have a rare opportunity to gain additional information about the planet.

The astronomers plan to conduct additional studies, so maybe this year we learn more about the solar system HD219134.


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