Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hawking and Musk warn that awaits us new arms race – Forbes.pl

What to think in terms of weapons based on the artificial intelligence ? For example, intelligent vehicles with mounted machine department or the drones-bombers that do not require a pilot.

More than a thousand scientists and specialists in artificial intelligence and robotics, including Elon Musk Stephen Hawking and Steve Wozniak , signed an open letter, which indicate a threat stemming from the development of such technology.

“The technology based on artificial intelligence reached the level at which the deployment of autonomous weapons are possible within a decade, but years. The stakes are high: the autonomous weapons were considered to be the third military revolution, after the dust of the porthole and nuclear weapons “- written in the letter.

The letter argued that the” autonomous weapons Kalashnikovs will be tomorrow, “and the key question, which now stands before mankind, would begin global arms race, or in time we stop its development.

Musk and Hawking warned that artificial intelligence is “our greatest existential threat”, and its development could “mean end of the human race. “


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