Friday, July 31, 2015

The Dark Side of Windows 10. What threatens to install a new system? – Virtual Poland

  This week, Microsoft released at the end of the expected, the latest version of its operating system. Windows 10 met with a fairly warm reception from users – also because for the first time in its history The software giant has offered a free upgrade to holders of earlier versions of windows. Only that “free” is a fairly loose term here. Users pay for in some other way – their data, avidly collected by a new version of Windows. Can you avoid this?

  Free, that is, who pays?

 The Internet has already accustomed to the fact that everything is in it “free” – that is, paid for by advertising. The biggest suppliers of technology and services, such as Google and Facebook, of course, has long no longer sufficient merely to display our paid by external banners or ads. To increase its attractiveness to advertisers offer them fit users, finding the groups to which their products will be most attractive. They do this by thoroughly analyzing our activities in their services. Google vending carefully “read” our emails, analyze queries entered by us to search engines, Facebook keeps track of each “Laika”, comments or facilities.

 All this, of course, to the “best fit content” to our preferences, but really much more important here is fit we to sold ads. We have become used to it and somehow there we agree, assuming that the activities within even Facebook should be treated with some suspicion. If only we are aware that anything we put out there is not and will not be private, it is somehow impossible to actually function in this.

  Windows like Facebook

 The case is a little different with the operating system. He controls after the all what we do on a computer, have access to our files, is able to efficiently track our every move . Even more worrying it is so that Microsoft put Windows 10 twin series of solutions similar to those they use the internet giants in their online’owych services.

 In particular concern is the following entry to the privacy policy:

 “We will access, disclose and maintain personal information, including your content (such as the contents of your e-mails, other private communications and files in private folders) when we, in good faith believe that it is necessary”.

 Next, Microsoft identifies situations in which it may consider appropriate to take such action. It mentions situations of potential conflict with the law, protect the safety of their users, their own servers or property. So we can actually believe that our data will not be used, if it is not really necessary . But that decision should at this point to Microsoft, it seems at least disturbing.

  How to Avoid

 In reality, of course, most of the data collected automatically by the latest Microsoft system, is matching ads to your preferences. Not everyone has to believe that there is something sinister, but it must be admitted that the analysis of the everything we do on the computer, is however slightly different kettle of fish, than to have our business in a particular website. Fortunately, this tracking can be avoided.

 If only you install Windows 10, not godźcie to “Express Install.” You will then be able at the outset to disable access to the data of individual programs and disable location search assistant Cort (which, although it may be useful also collects information about everything and where we are looking).

 After installing individual options can be found on thirteen (!) Screens in Settings – & gt; Privacy. It is worth to turn off each add anything to what we have absolute confidence that we need.

 The last, but very important option related to privacy hidden for some reason, other settings of the operating system . It can be found at: Here we can opt out of personalized ads in the browser on your computer.



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