Thursday, July 30, 2015

One thing I like about Windows 10? The answer to this question is very simple – Spider’s Web

What is the most important for me in Microsoft’s new system? Is it the Start menu? Or maybe Continuum? Something else? No, much more important is the whole concept of the system. And I do not mean anything associated with the interface.

Windows 10 is the countless innovations that we discussed already to you several times. The most important ones you can see in this video clip:

Someone told me privately, however, yesterday asked a question which I pointed out as the greatest power of Windows 10. In his previous texts pointed Continuum, so smooth and flawless adapt the system to the device and accessories, from which the user is using. This morning, the next time you start your computer, it dawned on me that this is about something else entirely. Much more substantial.

Windows as a service that is not just a slogan

His adventure with Windows 10 started from almost the very beginning. Too much, however, I rely on your computer to work with unfinished and unstable system. Most of the time so I held it in a virtual machine. However, at the time the work chyliły to an end, finally decided to put this system “natively”. What was the adventure!

A broken Shop, which can not be repaired. Disappearing Start Menu and Action Center, because of which I had to restart the computer. Disconnect every moment miracast connection. And it was for several days before the premiere. Every day, however, Microsoft has published a lot of updates in Windows Update. Sometimes two a day. And the problems … disappeared.

Updates turned out to be pain-free, maintenance-free and automatic. Although sometimes he quickened them, seeing on Twitter information that such will come out, it’s every time when I was not officious, the system did everything in the background, completely without interfering with my work. And every time become better, more stable. Also included with the system applications quickly began to evolve and even hated my mail client received some decent cuts.

Windows 10 on my computer was changing. from day to day. This morning I removed the last fault: I received a firmware update to my computer (read: BIOS) through Windows Update. This BIOS dedicated to my laptop to HP, and after its installation began my work in tablet mode automatic mode (so far I had to call it manually).

And this is not the end

What I realized. Indeed know does not always mean understanding. Microsoft has long trumpeted the fact that Windows 10 will have “always” updated for free, without any artificial schedules. Also trumpeted about how effective infrastructure dedicated to the study of feedback from customers, both the automatic and verbal messages, managed to create. The effect is staggering.

Any software that is regularly updated. Windows, Word, Android, iTunes, whatever, so the very fact that the “Windows 10 also receives updates” is, to put it mildly, nothing revelatory. The operating system is, however, extremely complex type of software with countless combinations and relationships. Make changes to it in such a way that the system worked then still flawlessly with all clients is a task close to impossible, especially on so many different devices that Windows supports.

Windows 10 but, surprisingly, it does not have the this problem. Yes, there are glitches in it, which even can read in your comments in our lyrics. From day to day but these disappear, and the system takes the next, sometimes even completely new cuts. And so it will always be.

Model WAAS ( Windows as a Service ), implemented by Microsoft, is the most important feature of Windows 10. All others, such services, interface design, and the like, are secondary, because they depend on precisely this model. Who knows, as Windows 10 will look like in five years? Looking at it, as now is to improve and what will be added to it in the near future, begin to genuinely believe that whatever it was, it will be even better than your current. For free and without having to buy a new device. The only popular consumer operating system that does that too, is OS X. At the same time it is updated much less frequently and to a very limited number of appliances.


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