Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Today, humanity come close to Pluto on 12.5 thousand. km. They were an hour! – Gazeta Wyborcza











              probe New Horizons, in the background - Platoon

The probe New Horizons, in the background – Pluto (Fig. NASA)



On Tuesday, New Horizons spacecraft reaches your travel destination – Pluto. Humanity has never been so close to previously unexplored dwarf planet. Get ready for breathtaking images. I seen on live, as New Horizons approaches Pluto.





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– Today we see something we have never seen human eyes. Pluto observed from a distance of 12.5 thousand. km. We waited for this moment for nine years and we’re almost on the spot – he writes on Twitter Alex Parker, one of the team members, NASA’s New Horizons. – It will be something. You will drop jaws! – Adds the head of the team of prof. Alan Stern.

New Horizons probe launched from Earth in 2006. And since then defeated billions of kilometers. Today reaches the most important goal of his journey – so far unexplored and surrounded by an aura of mystery Pluto. A key moment will occur before hours. 14 Polish time. New Horizons will fly the distance of 12 550 km from the surface of the dwarf planet. Then come close to its Charon, Pluto’s largest satellite, would go toward composed of rock and ice asteroids, Kuiper Belt at the edge of the solar system.

When will we see pictures ?

During the approximation of the probe counts present on Pluto’s surface craters, looking for geysers and their remorse in the atmosphere. The measurements on Monday found that Pluto is greater than previously thought and has a diameter of 2370 km. “We can not wait to see what we can learn on Tuesday! – Says NASA.

New Horizons also carries photo and every few hours sends them back to Earth. The closer the planet, this show more details. Today we perform a series of photographs with a resolution allowing to watch for details about the size of a football field. The pictures will have to wait a little longer. The signal from the probe needs 4 hrs. and 25 minutes to reach receiving antennas.

See pictures have already done the probe New Horizons

Pluto is the most distant from the sun so. dwarf planet. By 2006,. had the status of the solar system’s ninth planet. He lost it when it came to light that is one of the most massive bodies of the Kuiper Belt. To circumnavigate the Sun Pluto needs 248 Earth years. It receives a negligible, compared with the Earth, the amount of sunlight. His weight is only one-sixth of Earth’s Moon weight.

“My dad would have been very worried”

On board the New Horizons fly ashes of Clyde Tombaugh American astronomer who discovered Pluto 85 years ago. NASA sent them into space in an aluminum capsule to honor Tombaugh and his discovery.

– I think my dad would be very worried New Horizons mission. Besides, who would not be? When I looked at Pluto through a telescope, it was just a bright point – said astronomer daughter Annette Tombaugh-Sitze. On board the probe is also an American postage stamp with a denomination of 29 cents in 1991. With the image of the planet and marked “unexplored Pluto.” For this, two US flags and two CD with photos of scientists, who are responsible for the mission of the probe, and the names of 400 thousand. people who reported NASA’s willingness to send their personal details in the space.

How do I view close-up probe to Pluto?

Watch approximation via webcam New Horizon unfortunately not be possible. But there is a way to see how the probe is coming to Pluto. This possibility gives “The eyes of NASA”. Application NASA’s Eyes in real time shows the location of the probe, Pluto and its satellites faithful computer simulation. Recommended!

Thanks to the “eyes” could learn that the chair. 9 New Horizons was 283 thousand. km from Pluto and speeding in his direction at a speed of 48 thousand. km per hour.

Download NASA’s Eyes

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