Monday, July 6, 2015

Another unique phenomenon discovered on Pluto – Virtual Poland

  Nearby previously captured images of Pluto reveal more than ever knew. Hew Horizons spacecraft gets closer to the ice dwarf planet. I never managed to carry images of the object from such a short distance, as happens now. The latest reports indicate a very unusual phenomenon, which photographed the probe.

 14 July for the first time in the history of man-made vehicle will pass, until recently, the last planet of the Solar System. In decreasing the distance NASA gets her more accurate picture. It worked for them to see something that scientists still in our solar system have not seen. – we wrote a few days ago . Then it came to the observed spots on Pluto. Marc Buie, working as a team of scientists guardians of the data transmitted by the probe noticed that the surface areas are darker than anything seen so far in the solar system. In addition to these areas are in turn different, very bright places. The scientist added that the statement clearly luminous and completely black spots on the same object space is unheard of in our solar system. But that’s not all that New Horizons revealed.

 Now, thanks to probe and subsequent images of Pluto sent by her to the team of researchers, we know more. We managed to photograph a number of dark spots evenly spaced along the equator of the planet dwarf. The reason of which formed the discoloration is not known. NASA team is determined and wants to necessarily learn how there to create such elements of equal size and location. NASA says that each of them has ca. 480 km in diameter – the same as the length of the state of Missouri in the USA.

  “It’s a real mystery, do not know where they come from these points and we can not wait for solutions” – said principal investigator Alan Stern in a press release. Strange, dark circles, which also apply to small moon of Pluto – Charon – sparked a flurry of new questions about the colorful color of objects and only proved how little is known about this once the last planet of the Solar System. Now, researchers are still trying to determine whether a dwarf planet is circulating clouds in its atmosphere.

  “We are looking for pictures of clouds, taking advantage of the many techniques. If we find them, their presence will allow us to determine the direction and speed of winds on Pluto “ – Kelsi Singer said. Hew Horizons probe still has a nine days before it passes Pluto and its moons. It is therefore almost certain that it was not recent reports of new discoveries on Pluto.


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