Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The world’s glaciers melted to its lowest level for 120 years – Virtual Poland

PAP | added 2015-08-04 (1:35) 20 hours and 23 minutes ago | 23 reviews

The process of rapid melting of glaciers is accelerating

AFP / Joel Saget

Glaciers around the world melted to its lowest level for 120 years, or since studies are being conducted on the subject. This process accelerated strongly in the first decade of the twenty-first century – gives the AFP, quoting the report “Journal of Glaciology”.

 According to the report, global organization monitoring glaciers (World Glacier Monitoring Service) in the twenty-first century, the glaciers lost annually from 50 to 150 cm from its shell. – That’s two to three times more than the same period in the twentieth century – said the head of the World Glacier Monitoring Service Michael Zemp.
 Close to a billion people, especially in Asia and Latin America, receives more than half of the drinking water thanks to a seasonal melting of glaciers.

Preliminary data from the past five years, yet not included in the latest report shows that the process of the rapid melting of glaciers is accelerating.

In autumn 2014 years, researchers from the University of Freiburg reported that global warming has made the surface of the glaciers in the Swiss Alps has decreased significantly; In 2010 they occupied total of 940 square kilometers – almost a third less than in 1973.

This reduces not only the surface of the glaciers, but also their volume. Since 1973. Swiss glaciers lost 22.5 cubic kilometer of ice and firn. The fastest melting glaciers in the canton of Ticino, in the region of Engadine and Suedbuenden.

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