Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Today night shooting stars – Gazeta Wyborcza











             Night of Falling & # x105; smokers Stars

Night of Fallen Stars (Phil Klimaszewski)



There is one night of the year when astronomical event becomes a social phenomenon. People in Poland will observe the meteor shower – Perseids. Do not miss it!





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While shooting star is a star so much in common, what a grasshopper with the horse, the name captures the appearance of the phenomenon. Short and quick flash cross the night sky – as if one of the stars broke away from the vault of heaven and soared down. And when such phenomena within an hour watching a few dozen, it’s not factually correct concept of rain falling stars begins to justify.

From the tail of the comet

But speaking quite closely: the night from Wednesday to Thursday there is a maximum of the Perseid shower. “Shooting star” we should call a meteor – a phenomenon caused by light break through the Earth’s atmosphere particles of matter, often no more than a grain of sand. Flew at a speed of several kilometers per second (sic), with tremendous strength interior of the upper parts of the atmosphere. The friction produces heat, which then ionizes the gases under a flight path of such particles. And although it seems that the meteor was a “very short and flew behind a tree,” is in fact the traces of this trip are from several to tens of kilometers and we see them often hundreds of kilometers. And this is all thanks to the “grain of sand”

Today you will be able to see them in the sky whole lot! The source of such particles of matter in the solar system are comets. These ice blocks, regularly returning to the area of ​​the center of the solar system, warm and sublimate – their surface ice turns into a gas envelope, which lost comet, flying through space. It was then created spectacular braids. Passing comet leaves behind a trail of cloud particles. If its orbit intersects the orbit of the Earth, our planet each year goes into refurbishing every now and then a cloud of particles, which then bombard our atmosphere.

In the night from Wednesday to Thursday earth will be close until the two streams of particles whose source is comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle. It returns every 133 years, renews old or generate new streams of cometary dust. As a result, always in mid-August in a large number of meteors seem to fly out of the constellation Perseus. Hence their name – the Perseids.

Just eye

The observations of meteors are among the simplest in astronomy. Just unaided eye. For convenience and to avoid neck pain should lie on the ground, a blanket or a deck chair and patiently staring at the sky. Turn our gaze to the east – it was there in the first half of the night will ascend constellation Perseus. We do not need him to be familiar with. In fact, we should not even look at him! Top eyes sweep as the largest area of ​​the sky from the north, the east, until after noon and additionally over our heads. It was there-adapted eyes to the darkness we should see the first pouring out of the sky meteors.

The observation should find the right place. Moonless night will be a big advantage, but you must take care to eliminate from the sight of other artificial light sources. So it is best to observe to go out of town (from the big cities we go east!), Where the sky will naturally darker. If the observation will lead us in a big city, let’s find a shaded place where we do not have in sight other strong sources of light – the glow of narrow pupils us in the eye and prevent observation of stars, including those falling.

Whatever if we observe from the city or in rural areas, meteors do not appear immediately. Sometimes you will have to wait a few more, and sometimes several minutes. Eyes on adapting to the darkness will begin to catch also the weaker phenomenon, by which the frequency of their appearance will increase. In the second half of the night, we can see approx. 60-80 meteors per hour. Located close to half less.

Fans of astronomy and science centers throughout the country organize joint observations of this unusual phenomenon. Night of shooting stars is organized in Gdansk, Hewelianum Centre in Szczecin in the Park. Jan Kasprowicz, in Kalisz on the Champs de Mars, in Myślenice on Zarabiu, in basements, Siedlce and many other cities.

Dark in

Observations, as every year, organizes the Center of Science “Copernicus” . Organized in three years party observation is now the largest in Poland and probably the biggest in Europe. CSC specifically for these observations extinguish the illumination of its buildings and the surrounding objects. As in previous years, go out nearby bridges and PGE National. Last year, it attracted the observation of more than 6.5 thousand. people. This year, organizers expect more than 10 thousand. guests. Admission to all events observation in Poland is free. Easy observation of Perseid and holidays result in the fact that people not only in organized groups, but often intimate with friends and family admire flying out of the sky falling stars. While science is still not confirmed their extraordinary capability to fulfill the wishes, on this night everyone is in the pocket of a short list. And what if succeed.

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