Tuesday, January 31, 2017

VR comes into a driving school. So now science will look – Pay’s Web

the Story of how this fell victim to hackers who kept the guests in the closing for the redemption, fires the imagination. Even no matter what the message turned out to be largely false. It perfectly illustrates the threats that we will fight, soon.

Born in 1957, Christopher Moore, said that “magic is just science we don’t yet understand”. The words of the American satirist, you can try to stretch to any paranormal phenomena, over the years, we understand better and better.

Even in the monster from under the bed and ghosts in the room can be easily rationalized.

Children bojące monsters from under the bed or out of the closet and the applicant’s parents in the presence of strangers in their room after dark is a theme as old as the world. Today, some parents have, however, two times to think before zbagatelizują complaints your child. Who knows – maybe he’s not lying? Nobody says, of course, that someone (or something) is actually in this room, but is sufficient to compromise the security digital nanny to scare the baby, and as a result, parents.

Yesterday in social networks flashed me another story, which looked horrifying, funny and… even probable. She touched the hotel, which became a victim of ransomware. The attacker had lock electronic locks on the doors of rooms occupied by guests and demanding a ransom in the amount of 1500 euros for their release. Guest nieznajomiony with new technologies that the door suddenly closed, might think that they’re ghosts.

the Story was almost completely wyssana from the finger, but this scenario is not so unlikely.

it Quickly became clear that guests were not detained against their will. The robbery took place, but ransomware has hit just at the computer working on coding a new card keys. The attacker was not, on assurances of representatives of the hotel, access control electronic locks, however, and so the door should be installed a mechanism enabling manual opening.

Is still a big problem for employees, but not so stimulates the imagination as to keep guests as hostages, cyberprzestępcę for redemption. What is wrong in this story, is the name of the hotel, the mention of the attack of ransomware, as well as the information about the refusal of the hotel with an electronic card. Instead, his managers decided to revert to some old fashion, and easy to lose, but naughty, hackers keys.

what one hotel change card electronic keys are not classic and that poltergeista XXI. century.

Not difficult to imagine that such situations in the future will be more. While independently driving the tram was not family of a hacker, but who knows what awaits us? The pursuit of the Internet of things, Smart Home, Smart City, putting us at cyber-attacks unimaginable a few years ago, shifting to the real world.

you is Probably not one person will kill the heart as a window to her hotel room begin to open, the thermostat will raise the temperature of, door the door will lock, and from the speaker comes a strange voice. A clever hacker will soon be able very plausibly to pretend to be a spirit to a person who is not familiar with technological innovations.

what’s coming is shown in a distorting mirror in one of the video games.

One of the first missions in a video game, Watch Dogs 2, in which the player assumes the role of a young hacker-activist, is hacking into the system of the smart home. The purpose of the mission is what scared people were in the room. Similar scenes we’ve seen in the series of Mr. The robot, when the smart home has turned against handed the founder.

of Course, Watch Dogs 2 shows only przerysowaną the recent vision of the future, where connected to all the city. The player can use the vulnerability in the security system equipment to just give me your password to the whole environment. Mr. The robot also talks about the group of hackers who are doing wild things.

When these visions become reality?

half a century ago no one would have thought that because your table will be to Rob half the world with the preservation of life. These things happen in a greater or lesser scale today. The hotel więżący of the guests was a perfect example of fake news, but soon probably will wait for such messages describing real events.

at the end of last year, a botnet that uses the device from the category of ” Internet of things “almost broke the Internet”, leading to disruptions in supplies of many online services. Break-ins of houses and cars? This is already happening. Theoretical examples can be multiplied, and to be afraid of real-world attacks.

What we can do? Yes, indeed… a little. It is hoped that programmers and engineers dealing with security of information systems will be applied to their work. Willy-nilly we can count on their mercy. Already, lax security in the hotel was the cause of the losses, calculated in thousands of euros, and the subsequent attack led to the fact that its managers have decided to pay the ransom.

it would be Better, however, to prevent than to react. But who knows, maybe the rejection of technology where it is not necessary, it is not so stupid?


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