Saturday, January 21, 2017

Public campaign – vlogerka “killed” streamując –

People do not admit to himself the thought that it may be them or someone close. However, the consciousness that many people feel a connection with their idols used the inspiration of the campaign, organized by associations working in the field of road safety in Israel, (“Association for Safer Driving in Israel”). Starring made Ashley is very good Bakshi.

Her fans could watch their favorite vlogerka holds the live broadcast while driving. At some point he’s staring at the phone to read a question from a fan. Suddenly spoils the picture, and krzykom idolki dewastowanego accompanied by the sound of metal and glass. At this point everyone started to assume that Ashley’s for my carelessness led to the accident.

While 2,500 were witnesses of this scene, which was a rather quite short. Because only about 10 seconds. It was after this time, the woman resumed the broadcast, explaining what just happened at the same time observing the audience before the dangers associated with driving and using the phone. Vlogerka from the very beginning enthusiastically accepted the offer to participate in this promotion, said Eva Hasson, responsible for strategy planning in the company BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, with headquarters in tel Aviv:

From the beginning, Ashley was fascinated by the idea. Just a week ago she had a real crash caused by a man who his attention is focused on the smartphone and not on what happens on the road. It was a good idea to reach a young audience. They’ve seen a lot of campaigns about not texting while driving, which was ignored, not parted with their addictions. However, the tactic of seeking zszokowaniu the viewer worked.

Unconventional campaign has had the desired result. Just one day more than 56,000 saw a clip in which he called for the words “Live longer. Focus on traffic".

the Inspiration for this idea as well it could be the story of one 20-year-old girl who had an accident at 186 km/h in Rhode island in the United States. At this time he was holding the phone in hand and streamował on Facebook.


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