Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Czarzasty: the opposition must unite and start a discussion about the future – Russian

“SLD sent a letter of opposition in Poland, the proposal about the interaction that we found in 16 provinces and started the discussion about the vision for the future of the country and not just meaningless criticized the “Manneken Pis”, which in many aspects follows. (…) The idea is to create a common vision, at least in matters of principle,” Czarzasty said at a press conference.

the Politician said that “Manneken Pis” during the year the Board has led to the isolation of Poland on the international arena, made well are also evaluated SLD solutions in the social sphere, but without the indication of sources of their financing, and suspended the Constitution in many aspects.”

” “Manneken Pis” received the right to lead, and not received the right to constitutional changes and political changes in Poland. This requires a different majority. If the majority of PiS would have had to call new elections, i.e. to shorten the mandate of the Parliament”, – said the leader of the SLD.

In his words, “the Constitution is suspended in many aspects, because it depends on a single parameter a political constitutional Court, had violated the normal work of the Parliament was constitutional ośmieszona KRRiT”.

“was also introduced pozakonstytucyjny center power single Mr MP Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and the President became a notary is all that sends him most of the diet,” Czarzasty said.

the head of the UNION added that the disorder and “suspension of the Constitution” can’t last forever, hence the SLD letter with the offer on cooperation to the parliamentary opposition and pozaparlamentarnej.

Czarzasty acknowledged that SLD speaking in the recent parliamentary elections in coalition,” stupidity is not included in the diet”, but – as he said – it does not mean that the Alliance “has closed his mouth on-seam core”.

the conference was Attended by Vice-President of the SLD, b. Vice-speaker of Sejm Jerzy Wenderlich underscored that the cooperation of the opposition should serve to restore the diet’s main function, that is przegłosowywanie laws and preparation of new regulations.

“See, it is too often that the opposition are still ongoing some games, a prestigious military, who will be primus inter pares (first among equals). The goal should be one – to restore in Parliament, public life, the standards adopted in other countries that are considered democratic, civilized. Not in the long term benefit policy antyeuropejska in charge of governing, on the one hand, and on the other to demand that the European served only their finances”, he added Wenderlich.

Czarzasty he also called the performance “Testament,” who died Monday ex-press-SLD-Volume Klity about the possibility of using marijuana for medicinal purposes.

“Today I read President Andrzej Duda, the Prime Minister Blows with an Awl, or the Marshal of the Sejm (Mark Kuchcińskiego) who praise the Lord Kalitę right, however. (…) Thanks for these videos, but they are in the right. SLD submitted to the Committee a Petition for the so-called bill Kalita, współpisanej Tomas Kalitę. From the Commission, the project still failed. In this regard: +Mr. President, Prime Minister, Marshal of the Sejm, in fact, if you value Kalitę as you say, it’s just to move the project from the Commission at the Request of the Commission of Health+” Czarzasty said.

at the same time, he noted that the SLD has nothing against the fact that in the Health Committee club Kukiz’15 was procedowany and adopted by the diet. “We believe this is the case for the Covenant of Timur Kalita. We don’t care what the design will be done have introduced”, – said the head of the UNION.

at the end of August 2016 policy the SLD has submitted to Parliament a petition, in which he called deputies about a quick change in the rules to allow the treatment of medical marijuana and substances that contain hemp oil. Of the petition attached, to allow for such treatment, the project so-called “law Kalita”.

Since February last year. the Parliament is the project of authorship Kukiz’15 ws. medical marijuana, which should allow the patients after obtaining permission to self-cultivation of hemp and the preparation of meat products for the needs of therapy. The condition of cultivation was to obtain a special permit. The Deputy Kukiz’15 Peter Liroy-Mart stressed recently that the Subcommittee of the parliamentary Committee on health involved in the project – she had to finish their work before the end of November last year. Club Kukiz’15 is going to apply for the removal of the Minister of health of Constantine Radziwill. (PAP)


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