Saturday, December 31, 2016

New year party eye of the scientist. How much science in fireworks? – Russian Radio

As say the experts of the Copernicus Science Center, fireworks came from China. The first show with them was held at the Imperial court in the twelfth century.

Their most important component is black powder. It was invented in the ninth century Chinese alchemists. They found that a mixture of honey, sulfur and nitrate, when heated, explodes and creates flames. Later, the honey was replaced by coal.

Christmas is an extravaganza of flowers. Red glare give salts of strontium, orange – calcium, yellow – sodium green – barium blue – copper, violet – compounds of strontium and copper, silver and white mixture of magnesium and aluminium, the scientists explain from CNK.

fireworks are not rozbłysną without oxidants. They supply the oxygen, without which this would not have happened fire.

But the fireworks put not only visual perceptions. The roar, as they are accompanied by the burning effect of oxidants and sulfur, aluminum and powder. The clicks appear when heating the oxides of lead and bismuth.

For a characteristic whistling answer, and aromatic organic substances, such as Gallic acid, salicylate of sodium, benzoate potassium, picric acid.

All these components into a unified whole linked dextrins.

experts from the Copernicus Science Centre to explain on what principle are the sparklers.

Their substance diseases are powdery metals – a mixture of aluminium and magnesium, iron, titanium, solder pots. The important role played by oxidizers – nitrates and perchlorates of metals, usually potassium nitrate.

When heated, these compounds produce oxygen and a by-product of this process are particles of burning metal.

in the Copernicus Science Centre, kk


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