Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Greeks hid huge treasures in the Parthenon – Gazeta Wyborcza











                          Acropolis ate & # x144; ski  - Greece Athens. WŻG & # XF3; sculpture in Athens, on KT & # XF3; rhyme located & # x105; a & # x119; ruins & # x15B; wi & # x105; you & # x144; from the period archaic. Buildings destroyed during the Persian Wars was rebuilt in the time of Pericles. Najs & # x142; ynniejsza of them were erected in honor of & # x15B; & # x107; goddess Athena Parthenon.

Acropolis of Athens – Greece Athens . The hill in Athens, where there are ruins of a temple from the Archaic period. Buildings destroyed during the Persian Wars was rebuilt in the time of Pericles. The most famous of these is erected in honor of the goddess Athena Parthenon. (Shutterstock)



Sorry, not today, but more than 2 thousand. years ago. Athens, capital of the country now standing on the verge of bankruptcy, in the distant past were one of the richest cities in the world. Wealth hidden in the attic of the Parthenon keep the authority of the goddess.





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The ancient chroniclers describing the most powerful of the ancient Greek cities – Athens, wrote that on the Acropolis are accumulated enormous wealth. Dr. Spencer Pope, an archaeologist from McMaster University in Canada, said that the treasures were stored in the Parthenon, the magnificent temple built in honor of the goddess Athena. Historical sources seem to confirm the theory that in its heyday Parthenon was also the vault. On a giant attic of the temple was stored millions of silver coins. The place was a lot, because the measurements remains of the temple, scientists calculated that the attic was approximately 19 m wide and 50 m long, the height reached in a central point and up to 3 m.

For the first time there will most likely treasure was made in 434 BC, that is, even before the completion of construction of the temple. He was well protected, because people kept him apart from the authority of the goddess. It was believed that robbing the temple is like stealing from the same Athens. This greatly limited the attempts of potential robbers, because no one wanted to bring on himself the wrath of the gods.

The accumulation of wealth among other things, helped Athens to military force. They had at that time one of the largest fleets, so they can charge you from other Greek city-states in exchange for protection. He is known among other things, a document from about 433 BC, which says that the Acropolis was transported 3 thousand. Talent . In contemporary Athens with the highest denomination coin was Tetradrachm (silver coin whipped). On the one talent it consisted of 1,500 tetradrachm. This is easy to calculate that 3 thousand. Talent as many as 4.5 million tetradrachm.

That amount of silver must have weighed about 78 tons! Some historical sources mention that the city reserves could be as high as 10 thousand. talents. This means that in times of high economic situation in the vault must have been approximately 260 tonnes of silver. In addition, they encourage local enrichment of silver mines.

Unfortunately, the treasure this in any way will not help Greece in today’s financial problems, because all the accumulated funds spread over 2 thousand. years ago. Probably swallowed by numerous buildings, monuments and a series of wars that Athens took the second powerful city – Sparta.

Some historians and economists believe that after conversion (taking into account the purchasing power and the economic situation), the then drachma would be today worth about 41 dollars. American.

The results of their study, the researchers presented at the annual meeting Classical Association of Canada .

Source : McMaster University

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Comments (8)


                                 someone checked the ceiling under the attic was able to lift 260 tons of silver?









                                 Greece went bankrupt five years ago







                                 Assuming that these 10 thousand. Talent is 15 million. tetradrachm and is in excellent condition, niepoobrzynanych (folks for centuries ore sawed-off of the edges of coins), and that it preserved to our days go on a world auction for millions of numismatists, even counting a maximum of 3 thousand. USD for 1 Tetradrachm (assuming that the extraordinary supply has no effect on reducing the price) Athens would gain only 45 billion. USD, and need much, much more. In contrast, 260 tons of pure gold is a mountain 115 million. USD.











                                 “Sorry, not today, but more than 2 thousand. Years ago.”

    And well, because if even today the Greeks found it, and so would have to give the Germans :)







                                 Where are the coins ?? The Greeks przechulali! Unfortunately, the former power ancestors, who were very intelligent people are the only memories and ruin!







                                 Where are the millions of coins ??
    found themselves in the song of Frost







                                 In our time also they had 20 drachmas of silver – in my gallery to watch





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