Friday, July 10, 2015

How to protect electronics from the storms? – Interia

1 hr. 14 minutes ago

The sudden collapse of the aura often lead to loss of important data from computers, phones and tablets and other electronic devices. It may seem that this problem does not concern us, but better be safe. What should I consider?

Do not underestimate the storm – despite the many security, modern electronics still does not tolerate lightning

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As the survey market, the Poles repair of computers, smartphones and tablets seem zł 1.3 billion annually. read more

– Each summer, most reports we note the loss of data coming from both private users and businesses. These cases arise mostly from atmospheric factors – mainly storms and downpours. This violent weather phenomena, so when they occur is usually difficult to do anything. That is why it is important to prevention and awareness concerning proper data protection practices and equipment – notes Adam Kostecki, a specialist on development and security of Kroll Ontrack.

As can be seen from the experience of specialists Kroll Inc., destruction the computer hardware and the consequent data loss, which is a consequence of sudden storms, tornadoes or disruptions in energy supply, can directly affect the functioning of the company. In a crisis situation when, for example. Flooding or server room will be a short circuit in the network to which computers are connected company, the entrepreneur immediately lose not only expensive equipment, but also access to your most important data: contracts, budgets, invoices or contact details contractors. In this situation, a medium-sized Polish company is exposed to the interruption of business continuity, and thus to serious financial losses.

How to protect your equipment against storms and downpours?

7 ways to do it, to “defend” our electronics before the storm

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1. Use power strips grounded. Safety is an extension power strip with integrated fuse. In the event of an overvoltage usually only they blow a fuse, shutting off the flow of current, protecting the computer plugged into an extension cord.

2. Backing up your data. Vacations administrators often cause disorder backup procedures, errors in protecting and backing up data or glitches during playback information. Copies of data security is one of the most important elements of data security policies, and should be standard in every, even the smallest company.

3. Proper placement of equipment. The cellar is not the best location for your corporate or server, or for the home “computer corner”. The room in which there are servers and computer equipment should also be properly ventilated or air-conditioned, so that their functioning is not disturbed moisture or high temperature.

4. Using UPS . Using the emergency power supply is equipped with a battery, whose task is to keep the computer after a power cut ensures that during the storm there will be no burning of our device. Users of laptops during a storm should work on the battery.

5. If possible connect your PC to dedicated / separate circuits . Connecting a computer to the circuit to which are attached other devices, eg. Air conditioner, fan or vacuum cleaner, significantly worsens supply parameters and exposes your computer to the voltage drops in the moments when they are connected to the network.

6. During a power outage disconnecting the power . When the current is switched on again may be disturbed, which can cause problems.

7. impregnation . More and more electronic equipment is now protected by covering internal components of the waterproof coating. There are also companies offering the service impregnation for appliances that are not waterproof factory.


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