Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week starts assistance to victims of … – Polish Radio

As noted by the Ministry of Justice, the idea of ​​the Week was born in 2000. And is associated with the celebrated February 22 as the International Day of Victims of Crime, which was established under the Act of 2003.

2012. Shares it was called the Care of Victims of Crime Week, but changed to a Week assistance to victims of a crime, that – as explained – avoid wiktymizowania people applying for support to pay attention to them unfavorable associations with the word “victim”.

For 2010. Aid Week was organized in the courts, where he held office hours, during which gave legal advice to lawyers representing various professional groups. However, as reported MS, shifts have not met with the expected interest, besides the legal information, request the non-crime victims.

Specialists are waiting

During this year’s Week (23-28 February), assistance will be available in 30 centers throughout the country; shifts in them will be performed from Monday to Friday from 10 to 18 and on Saturday from 10am to 13. Legal Notice will provide not only lawyers, legal advisers, clerks and radcowscy adwokaccy, but prosecutors and police officers, and – in terms of enforcement proceedings – probation officers and bailiffs. At the same time disadvantaged people will be able to get psychological help.

According to the ministry, in recent years during the Week help she managed to give about 2 thousand interested. – We are ready for more – Deputy Minister of Justice declares Wojciech Wegrzyn. As he says, the ministry committed to reaching a positive message to the victims, to not be afraid to ask for help.

Currently, the Sejm is working on a draft amendment to the Senate kompensatach regulations for victims of crime. Proposal, which is intended to allow wider access to compensation, deemed it necessary, representatives of all clubs. The Senate, which prepared the project, arguing that the instrument of state compensation was not far enough to be used, including due to the restrictions contained in the Act on kompensatach for Victims of Crime, 2005. The issue indicated, inter alia, ROP.

What changes?

The amendment is, among others, change the general rule – will not be entitled to compensation for victims of crime, but more broadly – an offense. Such a change – according senators – will make the compensation could reach a larger number of people, for example. Disadvantaged people, it is not known when the perpetrator of the act, or is he insane.

The Senate initiative also envisages the possibility of granting an advance on compensation which, for the victims of criminal acts, or their loved ones – eg. in the case of death of the victim – is to be quick and real help in a difficult situation. Currently, the law provides that compensation can not exceed 12 thousand. zł. The Senate proposal proposed increase in the amount of up to 25 thousand. zł, and in the case of death of the victim compensation could be up to 60 thousand. zł.

pp / PAP


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