Saturday, February 28, 2015

Facebook plans to save suicide. Is it really something … – Gadzeto Mania

Facebook usually stick his nose in your own business, just to keep us on longer or push us even more relevant advertising. This time, however, is going to get on with helping people who may be in need of such assistance.

Facebook quietly working on new features to protect users from themselves – for example, the system os trzegania people who want to dispose of photos taken drunk . But such is not the end bzdurkach. Now, under the wings will be taken facebookową persons whose entries can reveal suicidal thoughts.

Do you feel depressed? A friend will help you

A new feature that will soon be launched in the United States, is being used to help people. How will it work? Very simply. If you throw in the entry of the content in the style of “Nothing makes sense”, friends will be able to report about it Facebokowi to take the next steps. That is, send a polite message telling you that a friend of us worried, and propose next steps.

So suggest a conversation with a friend or seek the assistance of a professional . Facebook starts cooperation with US organizations providing assistance to people with depressions and suicidal, such as, Forefront Matters Now Now and The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. For now, it will only work in the US, but the plan is to extend it to the whole world.

How does all of this action is to look like in practice, you can spy on the screenshots below.

Does it work?

For some, it may look funny. First, if someone writes fejsie that nothing makes sense, it still does not have to mean anything. Oh, bad day. Second, if someone really wants to kill himself, is it really stop him a message received from Facebook? We do not know. But we know that in Poland and more people every day takes his own life than are killed in accidents. If anyone initiative will save lives Facebook , this will mean that makes sense. Especially since Facebook approaches to the problem really seriously start working with organizations that know something about saving potential suicide.

This time we will not therefore complain that Facebook sticks nose in the case. While such ideas as you rescue drunken users from their own stupidity, laugh at the most, a new initiative looks reasonable. The biggest problem is that in order for a potential suicide was rescued, must have friends who care about him at least enough to report Facebookowi about his problems. Today is probably the most difficult.


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