Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Italian actress convicted. She pretended sick – Interia


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Muti penalty will be suspended if he paid fools theater 30 thousand euros / photo. Andreas Rentz / Getty Images

In 2010, the star of Rome was an extraordinary experience as a guest in performance in the theater in Pordenone, northern Italy. However, there has sent a medical certificate stating that he has inflammation of the throat and larynx. The show Ornella Muti involving canceled due to her illness.

Meanwhile, on the same evening of theater directors saw it on TV in relations with St. Petersburg in the company of Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister. Along with the American actor Kevin Costner was an Italian film star guest extraordinary charity dinner organized by Putin.

Gaża they received for their participation in this event is not known. Her fee in the theater had to amount to 25,000 euros.

Theatre gave the actress to court and sentenced her in the first instance for fraud and persuade a doctor to issue false certificates to eight months in prison and a fine of 600 euros – reported Italian media. The Court decided that the punishment will be suspended if Muti will pay the theater as the injured party to 30,000 euros.

The judgment is, it is noted severe. The prosecutor demanded sentencing actress half years in prison.

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Source of information: INTERIA.PL/PAP


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