Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Environmentalists about launder in Indonesia: Only in 2014 was cut forests of … –

Recording accompanied by Article appeared on the official website Greenpeace website.

Cut three Paris

The video was recorded in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. It shows deforestation for the bulldozers and the effects of their work – up to the horizon sterile field. These are the first results of an investigation conducted by Greenpeace.

The data collected by the organization on the scale of the entire project are alarming. The area of ​​forest cut last year was three times larger than the area of ​​Paris. “Usually, we suspend the publication of these recordings until the end of the investigation, but what is allowed APRIL, is so shocking that we could not wait” – said in the text.

Activities APRIL in Indonesia subsidized by one of Europe’s largest banks, Spanish Santander. With its one million loans, all dealings can function.

Saving forests and animals

In the woods live orangutans, tigers, bears, Malay and other animal species, which threaten the life of action APRIL. Particularly at risk are the orangutans that live only in that region – the broader because this practice is, the greater the probability of extinction is sadly this species.

The interesting thing is the fact that Indonesia lost in 2012. 840 thousand years. hectares of forest, almost twice as much as Amazonia (460 thous.), although the surface of forested areas in Indonesia is only 1/4 of the area of ​​the Amazon forest.

Greenpeace released a on your website special He ws Santander bank. discontinue funding of this practice. To date, signed by more than 150 thousand. people.

Repeated dealings

APRIL continued deforestation of equatorial for a few years . At this point, is the biggest perpetrators of such actions manufacturer of paper products in the world. His rival in the market, APP, stopped this practice in 2013. In response to appeals from environmental organizations.

This is also not the first time that a big company finances deforestation. Four years ago, was the issue of noisy toy manufacturer Mattel, which used paper from wood harvested by APP’s forests in Indonesia for the production of packaging Barbie dolls. Also when Greenpeace protests sparked.

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