Saturday, February 28, 2015

Discovered a monstrous black hole. The sun is at its grain – TVN Meteo

An international team of scientists in China, Chile, Australia and the USA under the direction of Professor Xue-Bing Wu of Peking University noticed a big black hole record. It is located in a quasar with a fancy name SDSS J010013.02 + 280225.8, a distance of 12.8 billion light years from Earth. Researchers estimate that the entire object (ie, a quasar with a black hole) was created when the The universe consisted of as only 875 million years old.


Quasars are the brightest objects in the universe, constantly emitting radiation electromagnetic enormous power. In the nineteenth century, was suspected that this is just a star. However, in the mid-twentieth century, when the sky was observed through telescopes, scientists observed radio emission.

Quasar SDSS J010013.02 + 280225.8 was spotted by a 2-meter Telescope Lijiang in Yunnan (China). It turned out that there are 12 billion times that of the Sun, and located in the black hole shines 420 trillion times brighter than our star.

– This is the only so-distant quasar spotted by a 2-meter telescope. We are therefore very proud – said study co-author Wang Feige.

Great Expectations

The researchers hope that further observations of the quasar using the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-Ray will shed new light on the formation of black holes and galaxies in the universe.

– This quasar is very unique – said Dr. Wu Xue-Bing. – This will help us to delve into the knowledge of the early stages of the universe – he added.

The observed results were published in the scientific magazine “Nature”.


Samsung introduces flash storage with a capacity of 128 GB … – Interia

Samsung smartphones put 128 gigabytes of flash memory. Is this the end of the problems with the lack of space on your phone?

Samsung introduces the industry’s first universal flash storage with a capacity of 128 GB for smartphones

/ press releases

This year will be full of smart phones with screen resolution of 2K – proudly announces US company Qualcomm. read more

The new interface UFS 2.0 is the most advanced, compatible with the JEDEC standards, specifications storage in the world. The memories UFS Command Queuing uses technology that speeds up the execution of commands on the SSD through serial interface, the increasing pace much processing as compared to the 8-bit standard eMMC. As a result, the memory of the Samsung UFS carried 19 000 input / output operations per second (IOPS) random-read, which runs 2.7 times faster compared to today’s most popular memory eMMC 5.0 installed in high-end smartphones. This technology also increases the speed sequential read and write to the level corresponding to the SSD and reduces energy consumption by 50 percent.

In addition, random read speed is 12 times higher than in the typical fast memory card (acting at a rate of 1500 IOPS), which should greatly improve the performance of the entire system.

The Samsung predicts that in the future UFS memory will be used in the most expensive models of mobile devices, but devices with medium and cheaper to manufacture shelves will remain the eMMC solutions.

Memory UFS performs random record at a rate of 14 000 IOPS, or 28 times faster than traditional external memory card. Thereby enabling smooth playback of standard UHD and simultaneous use of multi-tasking options, which significantly increases the functionality of mobile devices.

Memory UFS Samsung are available in capacities of 128, 64 and 32 GB. Capacity doubled compared with memories eMMC makes them ideally suited for use as storage for the most demanding mobile devices.

The new Samsung memory type epics UFS (embedded package on package) can be mounted directly on the logical processor, which saves about 50 percent of the space occupied by the two systems.

Over the next few years, Samsung will continue to dictate the pace of development in the field of storage solutions that combine high performance with high capacity.


Lari Lu and other Polish artists on Orange Warsaw Festival – Interia

Lari Lu will perform at the Orange Warsaw Festival / press release

Lari Lu is a charismatic singer with a recognizable voice and songwriter as well. Sonically debut album “11″, which she made her debut in the autumn of 2014 is an interesting combination of modern electronics with drums and rare acoustic instruments such as dulcimer, sitar, and viola da gamba.

K Bleax is a mysterious character who just comes out of the underground. Composes from a distance and effectively hides information about yourself. It is now in the European tour with the legendary British trip hop – Trickym – and right before the release of their debut album “Legal Worldwide.”

Co-sovel is experimental pop band whose songs are translated into Polish and English texts of the Slovenian poet Srecko Kosovel. Formation has won a warm welcome, accepted EP “Live in Studio” and dozens of concerts and festivals. The author of the music and words is Isolde Sorenson (ex-Julia Marcell, Drekoty), whose live shows are accompanied by bassist and drummer Alex Pole Jose Manuel Alban Juarez.

Coria is a combination of the former Polish musicians of the rock group symmetry (two studio albums, including support Guns’n Roses) and singer known for the “X Factor” and “Must Be The Music” Thomas Mrozek.

Gooral began to gain popularity after the founding of Psio Crew. Then recorded a well-received album “Ethno Elektro”. An important episode in the development of the artist was a collaboration with a team of song and dance “Mazowsze”. Gooral the next step in his musical journey was the publication together with the manager Luke Adamczewskim album “Better Place”, which sealed the collaboration with Anna “spring” Rogowska and Maciej “Kramer” Szymonowicz. Gooral played on the same stage with Foreign Beggears, Netskym, Yoann Lemoine and Skrillex.

Team Carrion was established in 2003 in Radom. She has recorded four albums, “Carrion” (2007), “El Meddah” (2010), “Sarita” (2012), “The idea of ​​a” (2014), from which such singles as “The Smell of gray”, “Three words “,” hard to believe “,” Eloi Banners “,” not without faith, “” Club M “,” Amnesia “,” short-sighted zero “,” Eunomia “or” Speech shadows “. The band has played over 250 concerts in Poland, Great Britain and the United States.

So far, organizers have confirmed that they will appear in Warsaw .: Bastille , Mark Ronson (DJ set), Muse , Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds , Paloma Faith , Papa Roach and The Chemical Brothers .

Orange Warsaw Festival will be held on June 12-14 Służewiec.


Radziwinowicz Murder Nemtsov is a provocation? Mortality … –

Boris Nemtsov to murder, a well-known dissident, took place on Friday at approx. 23.40 on the big bridge Moskworeckim, adjacent to Wasiliewskiego Spusku, which is an extension of the Red Square. Was given to him at least seven shots from a passing car.

How is it possible that no one stopped?

– It is under the Kremlin – commented on TOK FM Vaclav Radziwinowicz, a journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza” writes about Russia. – He was shot in a place that should be under special supervision. There is constantly on duty security guards, there are plenty of police, undercover, on duty snipers. Strangely on the bridge for walking people fall a few shots, very customs and the perpetrators quietly leave – said the journalist. – Solar Powered is that the perpetrators of the shooting fled in such a place. Should be immediately stuck, caught, and they drove off and disappeared into thin – commented Radziwinowicz.

– Police – as always in political murders – giving conflicting signals that the car they found or not. I hear there are even three cars, but do not know if it can be linked with what happened – commented on TOK FM.

paranoid philosophy Kremlin

Vladimir Putin says that murder is a provocation. – In this paranoid philosophy that guided the hosts of the Kremlin, it is always the case that those who die, and there are opponents of the Kremlin, killed at his own request. Each case of political assassination, and there are a whole series, so it is translated – said the correspondent of “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

He stressed that “Putin’s opponents mortality is extremely high, but each time it was called on to someone else who wants to harm him. “

What message goes to the society? – Przykremlowska TV Live News tells the tale of the fact that the West gave Niemcowowi money on making the revolution in Russia, and he przehulał them and could not settle. Another is a thread about jealousy, because walking with a photo model from Ukraine and the perpetrator might have been her husband or partner. He still lay on the bridge, and they are already saying – emphasized journalist.

Precision shots

Nemtsov was hit by four bullets. They shot him in the back, but very precise – bullets hit the heart and stomach. And also in the head. He died almost immediately.

The perpetrators been caught. Witnesses claim that the bombers were moving white Ford. Citing a source in the police, Interfax reported that by the provisions of street surveillance cameras already established registration number of the vehicle.

The world leaders – including Barack Obama, Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel – are “shocked murder.”

Putin’s opposition leader accused of corruption. Recently said that the mother is afraid for his life [PROFILE]


Facebook plans to save suicide. Is it really something … – Gadzeto Mania

Facebook usually stick his nose in your own business, just to keep us on longer or push us even more relevant advertising. This time, however, is going to get on with helping people who may be in need of such assistance.

Facebook quietly working on new features to protect users from themselves – for example, the system os trzegania people who want to dispose of photos taken drunk . But such is not the end bzdurkach. Now, under the wings will be taken facebookową persons whose entries can reveal suicidal thoughts.

Do you feel depressed? A friend will help you

A new feature that will soon be launched in the United States, is being used to help people. How will it work? Very simply. If you throw in the entry of the content in the style of “Nothing makes sense”, friends will be able to report about it Facebokowi to take the next steps. That is, send a polite message telling you that a friend of us worried, and propose next steps.

So suggest a conversation with a friend or seek the assistance of a professional . Facebook starts cooperation with US organizations providing assistance to people with depressions and suicidal, such as, Forefront Matters Now Now and The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. For now, it will only work in the US, but the plan is to extend it to the whole world.

How does all of this action is to look like in practice, you can spy on the screenshots below.

Does it work?

For some, it may look funny. First, if someone writes fejsie that nothing makes sense, it still does not have to mean anything. Oh, bad day. Second, if someone really wants to kill himself, is it really stop him a message received from Facebook? We do not know. But we know that in Poland and more people every day takes his own life than are killed in accidents. If anyone initiative will save lives Facebook , this will mean that makes sense. Especially since Facebook approaches to the problem really seriously start working with organizations that know something about saving potential suicide.

This time we will not therefore complain that Facebook sticks nose in the case. While such ideas as you rescue drunken users from their own stupidity, laugh at the most, a new initiative looks reasonable. The biggest problem is that in order for a potential suicide was rescued, must have friends who care about him at least enough to report Facebookowi about his problems. Today is probably the most difficult.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Wankband – smartband that recharges pornofana smartphone (video) –

Fashion assumed gadgets on the market also reached adult film lovers in smartphones. Those who are “warmed up” movie Pornhub proposes wristband and innovative way to generate energy for your smartphone – through masturbation.

Wankband a wristband, which to a known function uses a man. Smartband as vigorous exercise movements converts kinetic energy into electricity. This is stored in the built-in battery for an undisclosed capacity. Then, when you need it, we can connect to it and to charge the smartphone.

 Of course Wankband will operate not only during masturbation. A special mechanism that during movement up and down the charges the battery can be used even while running, installing gadget on the ankle, but the first method may be more enjoyable.

For those interested in information – band for now exists only in the prototype stage, you can sign up for the beta-testing through the site Pornhub. The creators announced that they will be running the tests, which soon will be able to save the first eager.

Wankband – Gadget future ?, or rather part of a marketing campaign, calculated on a sense of humor and outrage some other . For now, we must settle for a film.

Source: Pornhub




 Anonymous Jack

This is extremely popier..lone.



 Anonymous RoboHand

Where can I sign up for beta testing this device?



 Anonymous ahmed

Finally …. For years I’ve been waiting for such an invention. Now, not only do I load my cell phone, but the whole house ….



 Anonymous wi

. “… Masturbation” Hmmmm …. if the author does not zagalopował in these movements, little tasty …



 Anonymous Leo

I think I exaggerate, the weekend did not disappoint a little humor. Not every news must be serious. By the way it ties Creator probably did not expect what they used to serve


Charge your phone with the power of masturbation. Wankband is a new … –

Each sometimes doing a dirty mind, but if we are willing to turn them into the dirty energy that is credited to our gadgets? Pornhub wants us to have in mind the good of our planet and offers us a novel way of generating energy – through masturbation.

Wankband – ekogadżet future?

The principle is simple – we assume that little band on hand and if we perform vigorous movements, it converts kinetic energy into electricity. Then, when you need it, we can connect to the tablet, smartphone or other gadget to charge it. In short Wankband allows us to “love the planet, when we love each other.”

Of course Wankband will operate not only during masturbation. We might as well wear it on the ankle and go for a run in the park. I will say more, in the latter case the effect will be even better, because in this way faster recharge the battery Wankband.

This is not the first such project

Wankband can be first kinetic charger advertised as an accessory to masturbate, but in any case is not the first such invention on the market. These gadgets are many, including recently funded on Kickstarterze amplifiers afterwards .

These are all very good ideas, but still battery chargers, each of these has a small capacity. With ever increasing energożerności our phones it is not good. It is true that none of the producers in no hurry to feed specifics, but the developers amplifiers afterwards say that the energy of the invention will power the iPhone 5 for 3 hours. Considering the average life of the phone on a single charge (data resultant Apple and my experience) it suggests to us about 100-120 mAh battery capacity . With flagship smartphone batteries exceeding 3000 mAh it is not too much …


Woolet – smart wallet with Polish – Interia

Poles designed a portfolio that can not be lost. The project has collected the sum of 15 Kickstarterze assumed $ 000 in less than two days

Woolet, or smart wallet

/ press releases

The creators of fabric softener called Sofft promise a revolution. Their invention, which introduced a new technology to one of the most basic household tasks – washing – will allow us to say goodbye to dirt and stains on the clothes, which proves to be beneficial not only for our … read more

So far, the campaign has supported more than 180 people, nearly 20 the amount of $ 000, and the end of the collection of the remaining 34 days. This means that soon introduce Woolet update in the form of support for Windows Phone. The project can follow and support on this page.

Smart, slim wallet idea three Poles – was presented at the largest site in the world crowdfundingowym: Equipped with energy-efficient, the latest Bluetooth 4.0 module, Woolet communicates with the application available for iOS and Android, alerting you when you are outside the pocket member. Thus it with the loss of valuable content is almost impossible. Over the next 35 days you can follow the campaign and support on the official website of the project on the site

– We live very soon. Almost every one of us in a hurry about something forgotten or lost items. Anyone who has lost his wallet knows how unpleasant the consequences: the reservation of cards, the hours spent at the windows in the offices, the specter of identity theft. We thought that you can easily minimize the risk of this nightmare. With the help of latest technology for the future, which is combined with an extraordinary, elegant design – Cold Bart said, one of the founders and designer Wooleta.

Inside the hidden Wooleta Bluetooth 4.0 module. The signal emitted by paired with an application portfolio is received on the user’s smartphone or tablet. Dedicated application turns on when the owner moves away from the portfolio at a distance of 6 to 25 meters. In addition to voice notification doom the app allows you to locate and has the function of inducing sound. Also, forgetful friends can help you in finding a lost wallet thanks to the crowd detection.

The prototypes were created from high quality Wooleta calf skins coming from Polish farmers. The portfolio is distinguished by an extremely slender shapes (just 125 x 87 mm and less than 10 mm thick).

Although Woolet is extremely thin, maintains high functionality characteristic of modern portfolios. Available to the user are 4 pockets for credit cards, one larger pocket for other documents, compartment for banknotes and a special, hidden pocket in which you can keep both coins and precious objects. All Woolety will be handmade by Polish purse makers with years of experience in the industry.

Woolet has a chance to get to supporting the project in May this year. Will be available in two colors: brown and black.

According to a report by Raconteur ubieralnych technology market (ang. Wearables), on which the Woolet, in 2019 years is projected to reach $ 50 billion, which is five times faster growth of the market of smartphones and tablets.


This site is 10 years old and governs the video market, but … still does not make money –

This site has received numerous recordings reveal the unbelievable amount. For example, Gangnam Style has been accessed two billion times. Examples could be multiplied, and all could be proof that YouTube is a service of the incumbents. And because almost with every film we see advertising we could be confident that YouTube is a gold mine, machine for making money.

Journalists Wall Street Journal have discovered, however, that Google .. . does not make money on YouTube. The main reason? YouTube works by gigantic infrastructure that requires an equally enormous costs. The second reason is weak profits the way YouTube works. Users benefit primarily from the links, relatively few people open service by the homepage where you could put some profitable advertising.

The Wall Street Journal also stresses that YouTube is still less attractive to advertisers than traditional television.

Since the 3-4 billion dollars, which brings YouTube does not allow to fully cover the cost of the service, just think if anyone is able to create an alternative service operating on a similar scale. Google does not close so YouTube, because the service is part of a larger whole, thanks to which, however, Google achieves extremely great income.


Everything we know about the Samsung Galaxy S6 two days before … –

We reviewed the report of the latest smartphone Samsung Galaxy S6, which will premiere on Sunday night, during the fair Mobile World Congress, held in Barcelona. In some respects one of the most important flagowców the market will be much better than its predecessor, or to Samsung, however, manages to dazzle us? Let’s see what we know.


On the web there are many pictures showing the new model, but let’s start with the Koreans on how they describe it in the official promotional materials. In the disclosed a few days ago teaser hear about the “metal” and “screen with no frame”. We hear also ensure that suggest that the Galaxy S6 is extremely innovative phone.

According to unofficial reports, we know that the Galaxy S6 can be metal, and the screen should be deprived of the frame. It is not entirely clear whether this feature will affect S6 or curved Galaxy S Edge. The screen of the smartphone – even the pictures published probably by Samsung – it looks like he was bent on both sides. Digital Trends reports that Samsung may show some models S6 – the “normal” screen and curved on one side and on both sides. Divergent information may be a simple reason – the stage of prototype testing and Samsung could test different variations of the latest flagship. It is not known which came finally to production.

Is the Galaxy and Galaxy S S6 Edge?

Fig. for

Latest photos Galaxy S6, disclosed by XDA Developers, you will find in our gallery.

Display Full HD no longer

Galaxy S6 will probably be equipped with a screen resolution of Quad HD (2560 × 1440 pixels). Screen size is expected to be 5.2 or 5.3 inches. The display is made in the technology Super AMOLED Gorilla Glass is secure 4.

Processor or parting with Snapdragon

Another source confirmed that Samsung has resigned from the purchase of Qualcomm processor, and instead of the Galaxy S6 Snapdragon Exynos will. This is to allow for savings (Koreans themselves produce the processor) without compromising performance. By Sammobile portal Exynos 7420, made in 20nm technology, is more efficient than the Snapdragon 810.

The Exynos 7420 is a system of ośmiordzeniowy – four cores are responsible for the processing of demanding operations, four for plain ordinary activities. Each of the cores can be turned on or off as needed.

The layout of the latest smartphones from Samsung is probably the Mali-T760 MP8.

We also know that the Galaxy S6 will be equipped with 3GB memory RAM, the Galaxy S Edge 4GB of RAM.


In this case, further leaks confirm previous reports. The Galaxy S6 find the camera based on IMX240 sensor (16 megapixels), produced by Sony. Is similar in Note 4. Koreans reportedly upgraded optics and software. This is to improve the quality of photos and videos taken in poor lighting conditions.

System, which is a breakthrough

Samsung accustomed its users to a huge amount of pre-installed applications on smartphones. The S6 Glaxy it has radically changed. According to the website the latest flagowcu Sammobile will only … two applications Samsung. Not only that – the Galaxy S6 are also found three Microsoft applications! With a long list of applications that duplicate the Google solution is low position: S Voice, S Health, Facebook, WhatsApp, Microsoft One Drive, Microsoft One Note, Skype. For this application, and the standard Galaxy Google Apps.

In addition, the TouchWiz overlay Samsung Google system, it has to be very close to the pure Android Lollipop.

Additional data and information

Samsung Galaxy S6 is to be equipped with a battery with a capacity of 2600mAh. When ośmiordzeniowym processor using battery savings mode can therefore be necessary. This is supposed to compensate for high-speed wireless charging.

The Samsung smartphone will cooperate with glasses Gear VR.

Galaxy S6 will be available in four colors, the stores will probably in April (early Asian markets).

Are all these reports are confirmed? What surprised us the Korean giant? You will find out that thanks to our relationship with the premiere. Enjoy Sunday night.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

The black hole of attracting 12 billion suns – Polish Radio

  photo: Auth. NASA

Researchers from Peking University could not examine the same hole, therefore, focused on the surrounding disk. Hole sucks in surrounding matter with such force that the latter heats up and emits radiation. The brightness of the disk indicates that the black hole that is hidden in it, is extremely powerful.

Fortunately, the object is 12.8 billion light-years from Earth. The distance, however, mean that the hole we have seen from Earth, was formed shortly after the Big Bang, and that it had already reached its capacity. The object that we see in the universe was only 900 million years.

The huge mass of existing holes in the early universe is surprising. This means that such objects appeared in the beginning of our cosmos and very quickly took on weight – which is rare because black holes usually develop quite slowly.

(ew / PopSci)


MWC 2015: LG Watch Urbane SmartWatch LTE from LG –

Several days ago LG announced that it will show in Barcelona SmartWatch LG Watch Urbane LTE. Now announced the model LG Watch Urbane LTE will differ from him some important details.

First of all – as the name suggests – will include a 4G LTE connectivity. This happens functionality push-to-talk (PPT), NFC module, its own operating system LG Wearable Platform, as well as more RAM (1 GB to 512 MB) and a larger capacity battery (700 mAh to 410 mAh).

In addition, the LG Watch Urbane LTE, like the LG Watch Urbane, equipped with a 1.3-inch round P-OLED display, Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 400 at 1.2 GHz and 4 GB built-in memory.

We do not know when and what price SmartWatch LTE LG Watch Urbane hits the market.

LG Watch Urbane LTE – Specifications:

 - Processor: 1.2 GHz Snapdragon 400

 - System: LG Wearable Platform

 - Screen: 1.3 “P-OLED (320 x 320/245 ppi)

 - Network: LTE

 - Memory: 4 GB eMMC / 1GB LPDDR3

 - Battery: 700 mAh

 - Sensors: 9-Axis / barometer / PPG / GPS

 - Connectivity: WiFi 802.11 b, g, n / Bluetooth 4.0L / NFC

 - Color: silver

 - Resistance to water and dust (IP67)

 - Speaker

 - In microphone.

Author: km

More information: SmartWatch, LG Watch Urbane LTE


Artificial Intelligence from Google itself has learned to play the game –

2015-02-26 15:21

Author: Sylwia Zimowska

Last year, Google has invested $ 400 million in a little-known company DeepMind a research on artificial intelligence. I have not had to wait for a breakthrough.

The software invented by DeepMind uses two techniques – deep learning, which is a process of deep allowing for machine learning and pattern recognition of objects by analyzing the data, and which was not so far the technique of “reinforced” learning which is a kind of incentive system.

It sounds complicated, but suffice it to take a look at this example. Program called Agent ultimately got to work out 49 classic Atari games, among them was shown to the above version of breakout. His goal was to self-development of concepts of each game by trial and error. By analyzing how the move affects the scoring system Agent understood what he should do in order to achieve the highest possible score. In the case of a breakout took him 600 sessions. Of the 49 games in 29 Agent reached 75% as a result of a professional player. That’s impressive.

And at the same time a little frightening. Indeed all walks toward the machines endowed with self-awareness.

If you can not see directly how scientists are working on developing DeepMind like artificial intelligence, there is no idea how fast progress. Risk serious danger comes in 5, maximum of 10 years “- says Elon Musk, who is one of the first investors DeepMind.

Denis Hassabis, founder of the company, however, is more optimistic: – “ We agree that the risk exists and we will treat it with care, but we are still decades from the point at which such technology will be able to threaten us .”

Combining this with the achievements of the Boston Dynamics is also owned by Google is not hard to imagine at this time marching, intelligent robot army, which is against humanity;).



What we know about the HTC One (M9)? – Virtual Poland

  HTC One (M8) is one of our favorite smartphones last year. His successor, One (M9) is expected to debut soon, because at the time of the coming of the fair MWC 2015. What we know so far?

 The upcoming flagship HTC performed under the code name “Hima”. The first rumors about the official’s name appeared on the web courtesy of leakeraupleaks. He claimed that the handset will be named One (M9). Recently confirmed reports TechTastic portal, which the editors have found such a term in the source code of the HTC website. However, there is a slight difference. Namely, in the name of the smartphone will no longer be a parenthesis.

  Design and build quality

 According to the photos that were leaked to the network through a German online store (the site has been deleted from the server), HTC has decided not to make major modifications in terms of design from the previous model. This means that the handset will receive aluminum body and will be available in two colors: gold and silver.

 However, we can expect to change the position of the device integrating the button. M9 is also slightly heavier than its predecessor, which is caused by equipment it roomier battery. Manufacturer reportedly managed to reduce his weight from 160 g to 157 g.

  Specifications worthy flagship

 Actually, no cause for surprise; This flagship flagship eventually, so fitting to offer a strong specification. Turning to specifics, according to IB Times under the hood is a 3 GB of RAM, a choice between 64 GB and 128 GB of internal memory, quad-core Snapdragon processor 805 and a 3500 mAh battery. upleaks Mentioned earlier, however, claims that the handset will take care of transmission for 64-bit Snapdragon 810, and it will support 3 GB of RAM and a 2840 mAh battery. If these predictions come true, the M9 will be one of the most powerful smartphones on the market.

 HTC One M9 will debut March 1 in Barcelona at the Mobile World Congress trade fair in 2015.


The construction of a new tunnel in Warsaw. There will be difficulties –

  Photo: ZMID / Press Releases
  This will be a new tunnel

On Friday, February 27, about h. 22, the start of the first changes in traffic, associated with the construction of the tunnel in Miedzylesiu and streets leading to it. – In the first stage, which will last until the end of the year, closed to traffic will ul. Zwoleńska, the toll for the Patriots and ul. Ant on the lengths of approx. 150 m, on both sides of the intersection of the street. Zwoleńska. At the closed portions of streets pedestrian traffic will be allowed access to the property and – informs Road Investments Management, which is responsible for this work.

Photo: Press Releases Detour intersection – Zwoleńska / Ant

This is the first phase of the work. Changes in the organization of the construction will drogowcom underground installations – sewer, water, gas and telecommunication networks and the new crossroads and sections of streets. This work will continue until the end of the year.

The tour will be led through the streets Zwoleńska: Szpotański, Lucerne, Duct Lublin. Closed fragment ul. Ant will be able to tour the street. Patriots and then ul. ODesk in the opposite direction – a paved street with no name (located south of st. Odessa) and st. Patriots. That way no name, and the Odessa will be one-way – with the direction of the Odessa drive west of the Patriots, the second street – to the east.

will also be changes in public transport. From February 28 bus line 147 will end butterfly loop courses. And the bus lines 213, 219 and 305 mobile service routes will run through the streets of the Patriots and Lucerne.

Starting next stage works, which will include street. Żegańska from the street. Patriots to M. Pożaryskiego, scheduled for April. Grade-separated crossing of the tracks will be ready by the end of next year.

Photo: Press Releases Upgrading over streets – Zwoleńska and Żegańska

Drive through the railway tracks at the station Warszawa Międzylesie is a real nightmare for drivers. During peak hours, traffic firewalls are lowered at approx. 10 minutes. (More or less with such frequency trains run) and then it is difficult to move around the surrounding streets. Cars waiting for the opening of barriers to effectively block the move. Therefore, the above-mentioned will be built 80-meter tunnel on the tracks, which will help drivers navigate through this part of town.

Today, it is well understood that it will be in place, because at. Have been painstakingly cleared trees and demolished part of the buildings. There will be two new roundabouts at intersections Zwoleńska and Mrówcza and Żegańskiej and the Station. In contrast Street roundabout. Pożaryskiego will be rebuilt. New episodes streets Żegańskiej Zwoleńska and will be located north of the railway tracks pass through, while the existing fragment Zwoleńska from Mrówcza to the Patriots and ul. Żegańskiej, from the Station to Szpotański, will serve as local roads.

All work to be completed in November 2016. Perform be selected in the tender Strabag. The cost of the investment is 87 million zł.

