Saturday, February 11, 2017

The European Day Of The 112 Number –

within a few years to save the life of the Poles on Saturday we celebrate the European Day 112. On this occasion, the operators of the alarm centre in Szczecin me remind you that as we need for him to report.

says the 112 operator from Szczecin, important to specify the exact address of the accident or fire. – Much lighter and easier to transfer services so that they more effectively could get in place and, above all, to answer the questions of the operator – interpreter.

Under No. 112 dodzwonimy for free and at any time, even when the line trying to block the man himself urządzające jokes, – explains the head of the Center for Emergency Notification in Szczecin Margaret Smolarek. All the teleinformation system is so configured that the waiting time at the reception, if that’s merry pranksters and calling one, two, three, this is another operator, the time withdraw the statement.

Despite this, niezasadne applications, phone calls and jokes the curse of the operators and hamper their work, account for about 80 percent. of all calls.

For applications niezasadne joking or face a fine. In turn, for causing false positives, for example, of a bomb code provides for punishment up to 8 years in prison. The staff of the alarm centre can determine the location of the caller and the number owner.


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