Monday, December 14, 2015

Modular smartphone from Samsung? It is possible –

Almost every devotee of technological innovations have heard of the so-called. Project Ara. The project initiated by Motorola, and continued by Google and Phonebloks relates to the creation smartphone, which consist of autonomous and interchangeable modules or blocks. Expansion of such a device would resemble a traditional PC-submission of this. Ara smartphone users could choose from among dozens of machine module – decide about the processor, amount of RAM, layout, or flash memory.

We still do not know when the first smartphone branded Ara sees the light of day. The creators repeatedly postponed the launch of the device. Currently suggest that the device could be on sale already in 2016.

​​Modules & # x142; The new smartphone Samsung Source: www.galaxyclub. nl

Instead, we know that Google is not the only company that wants to experiment with modular smartphones. On a similar movement, although limiting it only to interchangeable lens camera has also opt to Samsung. According to press service of the Dutch Galaxy Club, the Korean company has patented smartphone model that allows the user to use alternative lenses, as evidenced presented sketches.

Of course, the standard version of the smartphone would be equipped with a basic flat lens and its replacement would be interested users who would like to expand photographic possibilities devices . Perhaps, then Samsung’s withdrawal from the market of cheap compact business is not capitulation, but an attempt to prepare the ground for powerful photographic smartphones?

​​Modules & # x142; The new smartphone Samsung Source:

It may be recalled that last year the Apple decided to patent model iPhone equipped with a special bayonet for mounting additional lens. It is possible that in the coming year, both companies opt for a small photographic revolution.

Do you think Modular smartphones from Google and Samsung have a real chance of market success? Or run your life as a technological curiosity?

Source: Galaxy Club


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