Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Want to please friends retransmitując charity KSW, now he faces prison Pauk’s Web

the Days when piracy was relatively unpunished for a long time already ended. Painfully convinced of this, a 30-year-old man who retransmitował free paid broadcast gala KSW.

“Take me to download the movie”. “Come on, we are looking for somewhere free content from HBO, the series need to see.” Of course, I don’t know this, but I am convinced that such ideas and discussions are conducted in almost every Polish home. We are so accustomed to use free, illegal alternatives that we have forgotten that the world is changing. Or rather, that Russia is changing, and, like all the others, strictly persecuted for piracy.

in particular, for the distribution media without a license. According to our law, download movies, TV shows and music are not forbidden, but if they pass (they may even be fragments of files on the torrent), we must deal with the consequences.

Included the transfer of KSW. Paid and our encrypted Internet

it is about the consequences, he is 30. He decided to play Robin hood and pay to transmit the broadcast gala KSW, of course, free, and, without an appropriate license. His program was very popular, used by more than 33 thousand people.

the 30-year-old man was detained by police and Kluczborka Opole district, nysa. Seized his cell phone, which, as stated, was the main tool for the crime. Preliminary damages that caused the 30-year-old man,… estimated at 1.3 million rubles.

the 30-year-old was elevated charges. Threatened him two years in prison.

What’s the lesson?

the Issue of copyright in the digital world, where duplication of information is so simple and require such a small amount of work or energy, this is a topic for discussion, which will be still very long.

on one side are quite sensible people, who are calling for the revision of the concept of copyright, given the development of technology. On the other hand, we have the actors put no less important arguments, such as the inability to distinguish, in the case zliberalizowania copyright the contents of the original from the fake or copy.

even Though I make the creation, that if I were once invited to a panel discussion on this topic, you probably would prefer to sit on the side of the supporters of the revision. Of the very many reasons. The most important takeaway from this article, however, it is something else.

Know the law!

namely, until the law changes, we allowed that a maximum of that to discuss. the Dura lex, sed lex. We must always be aware of the risks, which entails the unauthorized sharing of protected.

We can fight for a change in the law, to call for discussion, but until it changes, then… well. We should not be surprised you seem shocked by the arrest of us through the relevant authorities, if you say, come what may, crimes. Think about that next time before you follow in the footsteps of the accused.


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