Christmas is around the corner, we’re all busy hunting for the perfect gift for family and friends. But according to a new study, you should reconsider your selection process podarków. Many of us do it incorrectly.
Common gifts are not so bad
While many of us tried to bypass the typical gifts, such as mandatory socks dad cosmetics for grandma, a new study suggests that these “trivial” gifts may not be such a bad idea.
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the Scientists point out that many of us based gift choice for this, as for us, the recipient will react after unboxing gift, and not on how practical gift, will it be useful in the long term.
the Study was conducted by Jeff galak, Tepper School of Business Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, recently published in the journal “Current Directions in Psychological Science”.
Recipient’s prefer gifts that gain value over time
During recent studies on gifts, the team identified a discrepancy between the expectations of the recipient about the gift and the motivation of the donor. It may powadzić disappointment gave him a.
the Holidays are already almost on the nose. The weather outside ceases to indulge us, this is rough and brown, so you should make it so that although the house was cozy.
“we Found that the giver wants to surprise and enchant the recipient and give a gift that you can eat immediately, at a time when the recipient is more interested in the gift that gains value over time,” explains galak.
“we are Seeing a mismatch between processes and myślowymi motywacjami donors and recipients of gifts. Put differently, it may happen that the vacuum cleaner, a gift, which, most likely, not be surprised and will please most buyers when you open it on Christmas really should be on the top of the shopping list, if everything will be well used and loved for a long time,” adds galak.
the Researchers point to many cases of mistaken gifts, working on the word “inconsistency”, some of which may sound familiar to you:
- attempt to “surprise” the audience, we give it niezamówiony gift, not paying attention to all the list requests, which he did;
- focus on financial gifts, which will initially be well-received, but the recipient will get more fun later with an experienced gift, such as massages;
- providing contributions on behalf of the recipient and other “socially responsible” gifts. They can be assessed at the beginning, but this is unlikely to have been in the memory of the receiver later.
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