Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Nobel in chemistry to three scientists for the creation of molecular machines – TVP Info

Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage is open every day at the University in Strasbourg, sir J. Fraser Stoddart in Edinburgh University, and Bernard L. Feringa, University of Groningen. Will share equally the prize of 8 million Swedish kronor (about 850 thousand euros).

– this year’s Nobel in chemistry was awarded for the smallest cars in the world – said Goran Hansson, member of the Royal Swedish Academy while announcing the names of the winners.

– the molecular Engine is the same breakthrough, which in the thirties was the invention of the electric engine – he stressed.

the Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded for the eighth time in a hundred. Polka Maria Sklodowska-Curie got her in 1911 for the discovery of two radioactive elements polonium and radium. And today, it remains one of the four women who received this prize in the field of chemistry. Maria Sklodowska-Curie was also awarded Noblem in physics for work on radioactivity.

In recent years, the Nobel Committee gladly presents awards for discoveries that contribute to the development of humanity. This kind of particular invention is a rechargeable Li-ion battery. For the clarification of this battery, which is used in particular in mobile phones and cars, electric, Nobel należałby American scientist John Goodenough.

the Ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize on 10th December in Stockholm and Oslo (Nobel peace Prize), the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death.


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