Photo: Ivan Kaminsky / Agency Newspaper Zbigniew Ziobro
Controversial draft amendments were developed at the office driven by Minister Zbigniew Ziobry. As provides, however, the Deputy Minister of justice Martin Warchoł, the only purpose of these changes to correct omissions that occurred last year, when after some time there were other regulations relating to criminal proceedings.
- you can not allow perpetrators to avoid punishment or an innocent man was wrongly skazywani, says further Warchoł in an interview with the “Legal Gazette” newspaper. The proposed changes were in the draft amendments to the law on the so-called complaint against the excessive length.
What do they exactly contain? The court, at the request of the Prosecutor will give him a case to Supplement the investigation or inquiry. This will be possible when will be identified, for example, new important circumstances. If this statement is filed in the appellate court, the court will have to revoke the sentence imposed at first instance. And it is that proposal, according to “DGP”, causes the most controversy.
PiS wants changes in the status of judges of the constitutional Court
“All the clubs opposition: AFTER, Kukiz’15 Modern and PSL and the wheel European Democrats said in debate in the diet with the failure in the first reading the bill on the status of judges TK authorship of “Manneken Pis”. Further work on the project, in addition to PiS, who wants a Free round and Solidarity.
About the further destiny of the project, the Saeima will decide during today’s vote. A seat in Parliament the draft law contains provisions governing, inter alia, rights and duties of judges, CT, business, integrity, the inviolability of the person, disciplinary responsibility of judges. The proposal involves the disclosure of property statements of judges TK and barrier age of 70 for judges of the TC.
According to Brussels, the project serves as the authority and impartiality of the specification; according to the opposition, it’s “Linden law” and “another attempt to foment war around the CT”.
- a Separate law on the status of judges TK will emphasize their role as members of the constitutional body of the state, how is Court – says Stanislav Petrovich (PiS), introducing the draft. He added that “the law organizes, and develops the constitutional provisions concerning the status of judges TK”. – Thanks to new, need normatywnemu provisions concerning the rights and duties of judges of the constitutional court will no doubt argued the Deputy.
read More in today’s issue of the “Journal Legal Newspaper.”
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