who of us has not happened that accidentally clicked the Download or Play , which proved to be false lead? Never mind if it was an advertisement. Worse, if by so inconsiderate movement begin downloading malicious software or share sensitive data. This problem is almost as old as the Internet. Google has decided to fight him. The company said on one of his blogs that extends the Safe Browsing and takes a magnifying glass content, which it believes are aimed at tricking users.
If the algorithm determines that the content goes appearance or character that is part of the page and you can trust her (and it is not), or trying to deceive you and encourages, for example. password, even though they should not do this, Google displays special message informing about the threat.
Google therefore wants to fight with advertising or other forms of content that use social engineering to trick the user into reality. Here’s how often look of this type of content:
Very good that Google finally decided to declare war on this type zagrywkom and companies / entities that use them. This should clean up a little network of similar scams. Probably, as usually happens, it happens that the way to get the parties that do not use such methods. However, the final outcome of this action would probably be welcomed by users of relief and joy. It is a pity that only now Google behind it takes, but better late than never.
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