Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Periodic Table has grown by four elements – Gazeta.pl

Experts International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry on December 30, 2015. officially confirmed the existence of four new elements. The same will be on the periodic table. The last time it has been modified in the year 2011. When officially confirmed the existence of flerowu and liwermoru (114, 116).

Read also: Martian, a film that rescued science.

What is worth to know about new substances?

  • new elements do not yet have official names. Scientists use the working names
  • elements were discovered over the past ten years, now able to officially confirm their existence, or create them again
  • officially discovered elements are: Ununtrium (UUT atomic number 113). It created the institute RIKEN in Japan. Ununpentium (Uup atomic number 115), Ununseptium (Uus atomic number 117), Ununoctium (Uuo atomic number 118). These three elements discovered a team of scientists from Russia and the US
  • new elements, like other atomic number above 94, are not present in its natural form may arise only in the laboratory
  • difficulty confirmation of the existence of elements due to their instability. The substances decompose very quickly after generating
  • The official name of the elements will have to make a mythology, place or country discovery, discoverer, properties.

Years of work and uncertainty

Zoom out of the periodic table is an important scientific event, for confirmation of the existence of new elements require a gigantic effort.

“Official confirmation of the discovery of element 113 is the result of nearly a decade of hard work,” – said Kosuke Morita institute RIKEN quoted by the Huffington Post. “Now that we conclusively demonstrated the existence of element 113, we can get down uncharted territory of element 119 and beyond. We will strive to get to know the chemical properties of all elements in the seventh and eighth row of the periodic table, that one day discover an island of stability” – he added.

Morita referred to the hypothesis that there is a group of isotopes of superheavy chemical element whose nuclei have a much longer life than others from the area of ​​atomic numbers. In theory, there are elements with atomic numbers 119 to 168, is not known which will be produced in laboratories. It was created element 118 that does not mean that 130 or 141 will be stable. As you can see in the following visualization researchers are looking at “island of stability in the ocean of instability.”

​​Wikipedia Fig. Wikipedia

How created Copernicus

About how hard to “jump” new to the elements on the Periodic Table shows the story of Copernicus, the element with atomic number 112 .

Copernicus (Cn), which is approx. 277 times heavier than hydrogen was produced at the GSI laboratory in Darmstadt. Scientists accelerates zinc ions in the accelerator and shot them in the lead shield. They hoped that there will be major collisions between the nuclei of atoms of zinc and lead, and they will overcome mutual repulsion (they charged electric charge of the same sign) and will merge, forming the nucleus much heavier element. This was achieved in 1996. Germany received one atom of element 112, which disbanded after 280 milliseconds. Six years later they produced a second atom. But the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry waited until the end of May 2009 to confirm the discovery – described Wyborcza.

Confirmation of the discovery of Copernicus required the creation by specialists from the Swiss Institute of the Paul Scherrer, with the cooperation of our specialists from the Institute of Electron Technology (ITE) in Warsaw, a special radiation detector.

118 discovered two times

The particular care when confirming the existence of a new element has its base. The discovery of 118 first announced in 1999, as many as seven years before officially confirmed the date.

in 1999. Physicists from the Laboratory in Berkeley, California announced the receipt of elements 118 and 116, but three years later they had to “appeal” discovery. Reportedly fell prey to scammers physics responsible for computer processing. I never confessed, but was sacked on suspicion that fabricated the results. – Gave Election.

The Americans had to give way to the Russians, who created element 118 in 2006.

Scientists at the Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in October 2006, following the bombing of kaliformu ions Calcium received element 118 (Ununoctium), consisting of 118 protons and 175 neutrons. Only registered three new kernel that “lived” only 0.9 milliseconds. – gives Fizyka.net.pl

The official approval of 118 so it took almost nine years.

Scientists are not even agree on where he ends the periodic table, because creation new elements will become increasingly difficult and exciting. Who knows what other discoveries will search for new substances?

Sources [ 1 , 2 ]


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