On Monday, February 1 is scheduled a special meeting of the World Health Organization during which it will be decided whether the virus Zika, as previously Ebola will be treated as a threat Global.
Director-General of WHO Margaret Chan explained that according to the data currently available to the organization of the risk of infection with the virus has risen Zika to “alarming levels”. According to Dr. Chan, therefore, it is extremely high, it is necessary to take swift steps in this regard.
The defect, which is revealed smaller size of the brain and head, causing delayed development and may even lead to death. To date it has died in 49 infants. Scientists believe that as microcephaly is responsible Zika virus. It spreads in Brazil and appears in other countries in South America. Experts are reporting that Zika can reach to the US and Europe. Into question so Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
According to the BBC on Saturday, the authorities of Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador and Jamaica advise women to have postponed plans for now extended the family. Indeed ongoing research into determining the relationship between microcephaly and Zika. They are also working on a vaccine for the virus.
The virus is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The symptoms (fever, rash, red eyes, muscle aches) occur in one in five people.
BBC Wprost.pl
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Facebook has revealed the list of new buttons The most popular social network in the world revealed that in the coming weeks will introduce around the world a couple of new buttons reaction posts. Besides the traditional button “Like”, will emoticon expressing such … Added: 2016-01-28 13 31
The victim of the Holocaust praised the attitude of Merkel ws. crisis, migration “You deserve the recognition of the world” – said in the Bundestag 84-year-old American writer Ruth Klüger Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust. She referred to the same attitude Chancellor Angela Merkel ws. Migratory crisis. Added: 2016-01-28 13:26
More and more Germans are provided with weapons due to lack of a sense of security German offices. public order and safety record more and more applications for licenses for weapons. Police officers, however, say that there is no reason to worry. Added: 2016-01-28 13:19
The Nazi propaganda on the Internet. The ban on the â ???? ???? Altermedia Deutschland The German police carried out a raid against the managers of the web platform ” Altermedia Deutschland “. It dealt with the dissemination of Nazi propaganda. Added: 2016-01-28 13:10
Portugal: Five cases of infection with Zika National Institutes of Health announced that Portugal is currently as many as five people infected with the virus Zika, who returned recently from Brazil. Added: 2016-01-28 12:26
Another boat with migrants sank off the coast of Greece Greek coastguard announced that the coast of Samos, located in the eastern part of the country sunk boat with migrants who were trying to get to Europe by sea. This is another case of the boat, which took place in the past … Added: 2016-01-28 11:31
Astronomers have discovered the largest planetary system An amazing discovery of the experts from the Australian National University. Astronomers discovered the planet, a gas that is gravitationally bound with a star. Together they form a planetary system, whose complete rotation takes one million years. Added: 2016-01-28 11:04
Refugees dissapointed living conditions in Europe. “We spent to travel 11 thousand. Dollars and we were left with nothing” More and more immigrants from the Middle East complain of conditions that prevail in Germany. Prevent them from primarily low standard of living in temporary camps and a long time to wait for the end of the asylum process. Added: 2016-01 10:21 -28
Italy. Playgrounds for children not tax evaders The Mayor of San Germano Vercelesse in an original way fighting the scourge of tax evasion. Prohibits access to playgrounds for children of parents who do not want to pay – tells The Local. Added: 2016-01-28 10:00
Sweden deports up to 80 thousand.
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