Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The editors of the BBC lost their jobs because they do not want censorship – Newsweek Poland

Director Pilis lied to the team saying that editors refused to perform duties. They wanted only fair to do their job – said one of the journalists BBC.

On Saturday, Mariusz Pilis, head of the Television Information Agency, forbade giving relationship with the manifestation Committee for the Defense of Democracies in Warsaw. Izabela Leśkiewicz and Magdalena Siemiątkowska corresponding to the antenna of the day, saw this as more relevant for the recipient than about proposed by the Director. Pilis insisted that TVP Info was the live coverage of the Episcopal Conference concerning the organization of World Youth Day in Krakow. The editors had to suggest an inverse formula – live relationship with protest CODE, and the next – a recording of the Episcopal Conference. The situation described wyborcza.pl, which ultimately resulted in the issuance of a material with CODE-zie. The election also recalled the words of George Adamczyk, head of the TVP Info, which had to apologize to the team for the situation and ensure that journalists will not lose work. But it happened otherwise. The issued today a statement Television Information Agency states: “In view of the refusal of the performance of program tasks, refusal to propose alternative programming ideas and abandonment jobs, which directly threatened the continuity of emissions TVP INFO, director of TAI Mariusz Pilis decided to immediately terminate the cooperation with wydawczyniami: Izabela Leśkiewicz and Magdalena Siemiątkowska. “

Read also: Owsiak: TVP Censorship

– Today the college headmaster Pilis lied to the team saying that editors refused to perform duties. It’s not true. On Saturday, the director personally forbade coverage of the march CODE, indicating that in the meantime editors wanted only reliably perform their work showing the relationship of the march, which was attended by tens of thousands of people – says journalist TVP.

The freed journalists were related to Television Polish for several years (Magdalena Siemiątkowska since 1997) attracted the opinion of the best in the team. – The director himself Adamczyk so claimed two weeks ago – confirms a person with BBC. Is the pressure happened before? – Of course. There is no “list of names”, although sometimes actually bosses suggested not to invite such. Sławek Sierakowski. Visitors always welcome for Karnowscy or Gmyz – cheating.


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