Thursday, March 31, 2016

Episcopate says check. What do PiS with a total ban on abortion? – Gazeta Wyborcza

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                           Archbishop Henryk Hoser and Bishop Stanis & # x142; and Stefanek  yesterday in the Parliament during the conference

Archbishop Henryk Hoser and Bishop Stanislaw Stefanek yesterday in the Parliament during the" family force Polish ", bringing together pro-life activists from several European countries. Also commemorated the anniversary of the introduction to the parliamentary chapel of the relics of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, who preferred to die ... (SŁAWOMIR KAMIŃSKI)



Bishops calls for a total ban on abortion on the anniversary of the baptism of Polish. Civic bill is already in Parliament.





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The position of the presidium of the Bishops is to be read in all churches of the parish announcements on the eve of Sanctity of Life Day, which this year falls on a Monday, 4 of April.

Signed the statement Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki, Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski and Bishop Arthur Miziński recall that their position is the same: life should be protected from conception to natural death.

- Every person has the right to life. We read already in the Bible, where the fifth commandment "thou shalt not kill!" It protects the life of every human being. The Communication highlighted that the right to life are also the most vulnerable people - says "Election" Father. Paul Rytel-Andrianik, a spokesman for the Bishops.

"In the protection of unborn life can not stop at the current compromise expressed in the Act of 7 January 1993., Which in three cases permitted abortion" - said in a statement.

Abortion in Poland is permitted in three situations: when the pregnancy poses a threat to the woman's life when there is a likelihood of serious and irreversible impairment of the fetus or when there is reasonable suspicion that the pregnancy is the result of a crime, eg. rape.

"In the year 1050 Jubilee of the Baptism of Polish ask all people of good will, to believers and non-believers, to take action aimed at the full legal protection of the unborn. Please parliamentarians and government leaders to have taken legislative initiatives and programs launched , which would provide practical help for parents of sick children, the disabled and conceived as a result of rape, "- writes the presidium of the Episcopate.

the fact that the bishops spoke in bioethical matters before the Day of sanctity of Life is not a surprise. A year ago, Bishop John liver from the Council for KEP. Families criticized the draft law on in vitro and convention antyprzemocową. But now circumstances have changed.

U Sejm speaker Marek Kuchciński project is already complete ban on abortion, which reported pro-life organizations (including the Foundation Pro - Right to Life). Life preserver filed a notice of appointment of a committee of initiative "Stop Abortion" and required to a thousand signatures. When Kuchciński take notice, organizations will be able to begin to collect additional signatures. They need 100,000 and they get three months.

But the PiS project lifers is now not on hand. There is speculation that the Marshal of the Sejm may seek to delay the introduction of the agenda. Then the project can get stuck in committees.

The day after Christmas - that is, just before the time that Kuchciński had to make a decision - Marshal sent the foundation a bill with a remark that is not specified in the financial consequences of that act causes .

- we replied the same day: that no financial impact - says, "Election" Mariusz Dzierżawski the foundation Pro-right to Life. Kuchciński can therefore take notice of the registration committee right away. But it can also be considered an amendment by another 14 days. Kuchciński may also refuse to accept the notice. Then Justice will gain extra time because the case goes to the Supreme Court.

The design and rationale of the Act prepared by the experts of the Institute of Ordo Iuris. The most important provision is the abolition of the three exceptions to abortion in Poland.

The project also envisages changes in the penal code. Among other things, adding to it the definition of the unborn child ( "man in the prenatal period of development, from the time of the merger the male and female reproductive cells"). To the code to be introduced also record that anyone who causes the death of the fetus, punishable by up to five years in prison (up to three years if the perpetrator "of unintentional").

It records aimed at physicians: in case mother recorded that the court may exceptionally soften punishment or withdraw from it, and if acted unintentionally - not to punish at all.

the doctor has only one exception: not punishable if the death of a child occurs while saving lives mother.

a total ban on abortion is a problem for the PiS. In the previous Sejm, the party Kaczynski supported two projects lifers. But then it was known that the voices of the PO and the left will be rejected in the first reading. Now it is different.

PiS has an independent majority, and the bill will not be able to hide the parliamentary freezer. The first reading of the draft civil must take place no later than three months after collecting signatures. Justice can not reject the draft in the first reading, because repeatedly criticized for the previous coalition. Can drag the work in the committees, order additional expertise. But in the end we will have to support the project or reject it. Will support social protests, rejecting - the wrath of pro-life and Episcopal.

Before Easter "Rzeczpospolita" wrote of the pressures PiS Episcopate to the "calm environment pro-life." Episcopate denied this information.



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Comments (3)




                                 Episcopate at the request of Justice helped him win the election. Now, for the help you have to pay ...
    wonder if the old, sick and having bad luck Catholic electorate will help PiS.









                                 Or Kaczynski go down in history as the first time Gomulka Polish politician who fiercely opposes the episcopate?
    Has a majority, the men in dresses can nagwizdac him? :-)









                                 The black plague raises its head higher and higher. Mentally fraudsters shimmering guides the nation's increasingly brazenly push against authority. Poor Prezio will have to tuck tail, because none of its Head.





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