Monday, January 11, 2016

Wroclaw. 1.5-year-old child left in the window of life. Mother Released –

This is the first such case. Window of Life at Wroclaw mother left no newborn, and 1.5-year-old child. Boromeuszkom sisters were able to get in touch with a woman because of a letter she left at maluchu. Waived their rights to him and consented to the adoption.

On Monday, the sisters Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo heard an alarming signal that the window of life left another child. Until now, they were rather newborns. This time the mother dropped off the window life a lot longer, because the 1.5-year-old child. The sisters admit that the first such case.

According to woman he joined the letter. How unofficially learned wrote in it that “can not cope.” Fortunately we made contact with a woman. He waived their rights to a toddler, so you can begin the adoption process. The child will have a chance to find a new, loving home. Thanks also addressed the police, but were found breaking the law.

KK, AMW, rmf24


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