Facebook reported on its decision in an open letter, signed by Richard Allan, Vice President for policy of Facebook in Europe, Middle East and Africa. On Wednesday, the day his letter came to “Gazeta Wyborcza”.
In recent weeks EN masse to block the Facebook profiles of far-right organizations. After the queries of Internet users in the administrators removed the page of the March of Independence, Youth Wszechpolskiej, Camp Radical Nationalist or National Movement. But on Wednesday he changed his mind.
Richard Allan writes:
Jadnocześnie Allan protested against information common narodowców and right-wing media, who argued that the removal of the pages of the nationalists is Sylvia de Weydenthal. She is one of the head of the Polish Bureau website. Based on the record, the journalist Cezary Gmyza, which is found on Facebook photos Weydenthal of protest CODE. The Internet was started.“We are disappointed with the accusations and insults that were sent to the address of one of the employees of our Polish office. She is the head of the Warsaw office. Is also responsible for policy in relation to content," wrote Alan. “Insults that are experienced are unacceptable, and we hope that will stop soon”, he added.
Phalanx among Polish flags
Facebook has extended its letter after Wednesday the statements of Polish politicians. Considering legal action against the site was announced by the Deputy Minister of justice Patrick. We will analyze what we can do, because actually what’s happening on Facebook, but also Twitter, calls for revenge. Polish Patriotic sites they bullied often, he said in a radio Unit.
Submitting notification to the Prosecutor and the notification of the Ombudsman has promised movement Kukiz Brands Jakubiak. Its members side also was blocked. FB for 24 hours, turned off the MP sharing. “Remember that the account of the people who constantly post are not allowed on Facebook, the content can be deleted forever,” warned his service.
In this case invalid content was published MP photos from the March of Independence in Warsaw Poniatowski Bridge filled with white-red flags. “I’ll be with family if it’s a network like facebook or not,” wrote under it Jakubiak. Part of the media announced that Deputy was forbidden for Polish flags, but there was another reason. The photo shows four green flags of the Camps of the National Radical. On them the symbol of the hand holding the sword – phalanx, the sign of the twentieth anniversary, faszyzującego ONR-Falanga, and today, in particular, the NRO and the National Revival of Poland. On Facebook he denied.
learned about this a few days ago, users who posted on Facebook a poster of the upcoming March of Independence. It has also been found phalanx, so that the page is blocked. One of the dead was the chief editor of “Superexpressu” Ivan Jastrzębowski.
– Blocked my profile, which was used for political activities and communications with voters. There are no ugly words of hatred, fascism. This is a common portal where talking to me 70 thousand. people. I believe that niezręcznością from the FB ban on communication was a photo on which the sea is white-red flag – says “Election” Jakubiak. On account that there are also flags with falangą, says: – you will See them in fragments. Could be flags PSL. What does it matter to the whole image, he adds. On Wednesday evening, his image was restored and the profile is locked.
Nationalists: we will Not retreat network facebook
“network facebook, it seems that the unblocking of accounts will do the trick, but we will not retreat,” comments of the Association of Independence March. Nationalists demand the introduction of laws that will define the principles of functioning of social media in Poland.
in respect of a dispute narodowców with Facebook, registered in the U.S. can really do the Polish government? – Really small. If I had to make a joke, I’d say that may ban Facebook, – said Jaroslaw Lipszyc, the President of the Foundation ” Modern Poland, which deals with freedom of speech in the media, digital. – The owner of the site has established such rules, and if someone doesn’t like it they should change the service. So that today can be blocked by the nationalists, and tomorrow other groups. But I hope politicians will not go to war with Facebook, because it would be a terrible idea, he says.
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