Thursday, November 24, 2016

The amount free from tax. Morawiecki: 6,6 thousand rubles for the poor, zero for the rich – Interfax

One of the leading PiS’s campaign promises was to increase the amount free from taxes from 3091 to 8 thousand UAH. RUB Than this amount the higher the better for the Poles, because the money earned in this amount do not pay tax.

After coming to power, IPRs do not want, however, to fulfil this promise.

Only 31 October, the Saeima received draft amendments to the income tax act. Its adoption will allow in 2017. keep free amount. If this project is not reported, the following year, the Poles can’t save this release (next week this law shall be considered by the Senate).

at the end of 2015. The constitutional court ruled that because the actual level of amount free is too low and ordered her to lift no later than the beginning of 2017. Resolution TK uchyliło existing laws, but their execution was postponed until 30 November 2016.

the Poles will retain, so relieved, but at the same level 3091 PLN. Did not keep his word, President Andrzej Duda, who promised to raise this amount immediately after the election, and hence, in 2016.

the Deputies, who submitted the project, recognize that the Prime Minister Shiloh promised to increase the number of free to 8 thousand. RUB Explained that while work continues on tax reform, consisting in the replacement of several tribute (income tax, social security, HEALTH care) with a single tax, the introduction of which is planned from 1 January 2018. Therefore, the “logical behavior of existing taxation principles also in 2017″, – stated in the explanatory note.

Amount free of tax will increase, but less than

on Thursday, Matthew Morawiecki, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of development and Finance, said that the government is going to do about amount free.

- we Aim for the amount of 6.6 thousand UAH. rubles to this, at least, social was without tax, but then to free amount quite quickly returned to the current level, ‘ said Morawiecki.

he Noted that otherwise, the costs for the budget would be huge. He said that, therefore, the available sum would be at a level in accordance with the decision of the constitutional Court. He explained that higher 6.6 thousand rubles would degresywna and malałaby to an increase in wages.

Millions from the budget

Persons who receive between 6.6 thousand and 11 thousand. rubles a year, will be able to take advantage of higher than the currently free amount, but on descending the structure. Those who earn well. 11 million (this level Morawieckiego still subject to dimension), they amount at the present height, i.e. approx. 3 thousand. In turn, those who “catch” on the second tax threshold, they can’t actually use from the amount free.

- the idea is to get a certain tax progression is also higher to account Morawiecki. – Significantly improve the situation from the point of view of those most in need, that is what it is, our government, to make it more progressive and fair, – said Deputy Prime Minister.

free the Amount was to be increased from 2018 in the framework of the single tax. Recently, the representatives of the government headed by Prime Minister Beate Cat admitted, however, that the single tax is not a foregone conclusion.


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