There is a perception that PS4 Pro is better suited to improve the sensations arising from the enjoyment in virtual reality than it is to adapted the property into 4K. Doubling the graphics system’s power opens a number of new features in the productions of the PlayStation VR, where it is the smoothness, not the quality of the image or graphic settings. The question then is simple: the extent to which PS VR is gaining connect to PS4 Pro?
At the beginning it should be mentioned that the developers only get acquainted with the full possibilities of the new console, which is confirmed by a few conversions with a weak optimization. It is also necessary to consider issues relating to business. Budgets for VR games now are small because of the relatively modest number of potential buyers. This figure is reduced even more if we take into account the owners of PS4 and PS VR Pro. All this makes the preparation of additional optimizations, probably, not always is cost-effective.
– This might explain one comment to the creators of DriveClub VR, who confessed that the game on PS VR only to a small extent leverages the capabilities of PS4 Pro. We had trouble finding any changes in this title, except a bit better reflection on the body, although it should be added – makes it difficult to compare the limited nature of the image transmitted to the screen “the social network”. It’s not quite the same thing that you see inside the glasses. Even the image directly from the screen does not quite fit, because PS VR adds image filter on the lens device. To fully appreciate the difference, you need to put on the head set and include standard VR DriveClub on PS4 and PS4 Pro and article or even video can be done.
part of the name visible, however, a clear improvement on PS4 Pro. Take Robinson: The Journey from Cryteka. Most games use the extra power to enhance the clarity and the title, this is a good example. The pixels are viewed from a very close distance, but the rendering game in higher resolution, you can scale it down, which will allow better anti-aliasing. The image is clear, clean and devoid of artifacts. The increased number of pixels is the most frequent change we tested the VR games on PS4 Pro.
Title for PS4 VR Pro, including Robinson: The Journey RIGS, Battlezone and DriveClub
the Benefits of Robinson: The Journey is seen especially in the corners of the screen. Visualization of the image on the VR very often truncates the resolution at the edge of the angle of visibility of the eye, in order to save resources. More power PS4 Pro that makes the decision, he no longer needs to act less aggressive. Details on the banks are still vague, but less so than the standard PS4. Crytek also mentions about several other changes, listing the best lighting, and shading of surfaces.
In practice, these two elements have been changed in too thin of a degree, to snatch, but on the surface can be seen, at least, much better texture filtering. The quality of textures, shadows and models are the same, but better filtration is a welcome improvement. See also a more range of drawing objects.
Robinson: The Journey is currently the most likely “best case” improvement of services Pro in PS4 VR. CryEngine has many built-in, potential improvements, and we’re talking about game exclusivity, that could mean financial assistance from Sony. It is clear, however, that the increase in resolution and scaling it down, along with small fixes in the lamp, is a standard approach in the tested games.
Battlezone from the Studio Rebellion is a very simple example of this approach. Increases the resolution, then scalable up to 960×1080 on the eyes in PS VR, which means the improvement of the situation on PS4 Pro. To do this, better dynamic lighting in the cabin – on the base PS4 is seen only in cutscenes, but on a new console during the game. Reliable performance has not changed.
Price of virtual reality: what was removed from DriveClub to obtain the appropriate liquidity
the Same as in Rigs from Guerrilla Cambridge. Lower the resolution and light with high contrast colors, to return the artifacts of scaling on the base PS4. PlayStation 4 Pro is much better and also get quality at the edges of the screen. The new console does not introduce revolutionary changes, but more pixels which allows you to better hide the compromises necessary to obtain the appropriate liquidity operations in PS VR.
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We also beta-version of the shooter Farpoint. Base on PS4 there are clear problems with liquidity actions (which probably will not disappear before the premiere), and a high contrast translate to the serrated edges. The Pro edition PlayStation 4 from September’s PlayStation Meeting was completely smooth, and the smoothing was much better. It’s little surprise if we take into account the fact that this is “twice the pixels”.
the General scheme, it seems, so remind standard game: PS4 Pro improves mainly the resolution. This improves the fundamental problems of many games on PS and VR, but we would like something else. Robinson: The Journey shows how to fully use the power of PS4 Pro for a broader range of improvements. Of course, it requires a lot of work, but many titles VR gets on multiple platforms, which should simplify support for different versions. We expect that in the future will only get better when developers get better acquainted with applied engines and platform Sony.
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