Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dangerous vulnerability in Windows continues niezałatana Banker

Microsoft for the use of vulnerabilities in the system oppresses wine Russian group cyberprzestępczą. Charges against the Russians was the Us government, which accuses them of the action aimed at disrupting the upcoming presidential elections.

the Giant from Redmond announced that the number of attacks on Windows 10 users has increased after the government’s official position against Russia. The patch, designed to fix a dangerous vulnerability in latest Microsoft, however, appear only next week – November 8 2016. – reports Reuters.

the vulnerability reported to Google without talking to Microsoft. Google Threat Analysis pointed to the risk of each a user who uses the latest version of the Windows operating system. In their it is reported that this vulnerability gives access to the entire ecological system, and hackers can free to modify the code of the software.

Google reacts much faster than the manufacturer of Windows. it Turned out that the problem can be avoided through the protection web browser – in the last days of October came the update of the Chrome browser, which should provide its users.

an American expert on intelligence to investigate the activities of Russia in the on the Internet, said that the group behind the vulnerabilities on computers, individuals (Fancy Bear) also works under the aegis of or according to the order Russian military intelligence and was responsible for the hacking the data and email the Democratic Party.



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