Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Critical vulnerability in Windows 10 is Virtual Russia

Google discovered a critical vulnerability in the security system operating system Windows 10. All vulnerable users. And Google itself has not survived in this case it is best.

Experts from Google Threat Analysis identified a critical vulnerability in Windows 10. Everyone who uses that version of the operating system of Microsoft company according to July the system is installed in 350 million devices at risk.

the Vulnerability is so dangerous that knowing it, hackers can “get out” of protected area systems (so-called sandboksa) through the hole in the system win32k.sys. If an attacker will exploit this susceptibility, may perform in the system of the malicious code. Google claims that this vulnerability is “particularly serious, because we know that is already used by” cyber criminals.

Google said experts from Microsoft about its opening on October 21. And only 10 days later, he announced the existence of vulnerabilities around the world. The company from Redmond has criticized such actions, and rightly so, in the end, still never had a single security patch.

Google did not, however, completely disinterested – casually announced that Chrome users would be safe, because this was quickly corrected.

If you are using another browser, it is not yet good method of protection. Have to wait until Microsoft załata hole.


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