Thursday, October 6, 2016

Nobel in chemistry for the synthesis and development of molecular machines – Interia

this year’s Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa “design and synthesis of molecular machines.” – This award is very well deserved – evaluates in a conversation with Interią Prof. dr hab. Paul Koribut-Dashkevich from the Institute of Organic Chemistry and YOU.


Jean-Pierre Sauvage

the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, justifying the choice emphasized that molecular machines worked out by the Nobel laureates, “will most likely be used in the development of new materials, sensors and energy storage system”.

Is the reward of a division, and is located in the centre of any research chemical, and in recent years, often these awards were somewhere on the border of biochemistry, or analytical methods, – says Professor Koribut-Dashkevich.

As explained by the expert, the award was awarded for research on the synthesis of systems topologicznie related. Are particles that differ from the usual ones that consist of more than one particle, but they are linked mechanically, ie, for example, as a chain. A feature of such particles is that they can undergo great changes in space, fragments are not connected by chemical bond, so they are able to mutually move under the influence of external stimulation,” says our source.

– the possibility of the synthesis of these molecules appeared to be very difficult. You tried to get them already since 1960. and now mastered techniques allowing to effectively syntezowanie such systems but their use is currently at the stage of basic research, – explains the expert.

– these effects can be applied in practice? – I think that they can be used in the future in various fields, such as medicine, predicts Professor Paul Koribut-Dashkevich.

At the base of these studies are so-called phenomenon of molecular recognition, which lies in the fact that the particles with each other, acting know. You can imagine, for example, a molecular machine, in which one molecule will be a reservoir of insulin and equip it to the fragment, which is the detector level of sugar. Such a system he task is to replace the pancreas – “detector” detects when the sugar level is too big, and the tank then secretes insulin. The patient may be given a drug, for example, once a month. It would be based on the phenomenon of molecular recognition, recognition of a certain level of sugar causes a transition system so that the tank is momentarily opened, releasing insulin, explains the expert.

the Professor also explains that, since the molecular machines are very small, using the device, we will be able to consume much less power, he explains.

– These specific molecules, which have been described, are the kind of systems as shining examples of where we learn to synthesize and understand the mechanisms to manage the impact molekularnymi between fragments. But in the future these phenomena can be used for example for the transmission of information or signals. You can imagine a rebellion, based on the molecular machines of detectors for hazards, for example, carbon monoxide or explosive substances, drugs, ‘ he says.


Sir J. Fraser Stoddart

Professor emphasizes, however, that first explores the phenomenon, and then just come and use it is difficult to predict what they will be. Thus, developing science. Current research this research is very simple, and all would like to hear what uleczymy cancer, etc. the Promise is a bit irresponsible, because actually we don’t know, – he said.

– We can anticipate some applications, we can provide energy savings, but at the moment it is perhaps too early to say that we will build specific devices that perform specific functions – sums up Professor Paul Koribut-Dashkevich.


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