Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Nobel in chemistry for molecular machines – Republic

Three scientists: Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Fraser Stoddart and James Bernard, Lucas Feringa received this year’s Nobel Prize in chemistry. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to honor these scientists for their work on the concept and synthesis of molecular machines necessary for the development of nanotechnology. The laureates will share equally the 8 million Swedish kronor – the equivalent of about 850 thousand. Euro. Solemn delivery of medals and diplomas will occur, as usual, in Stockholm 10 December, the anniversary of the death of the founder Alfred Nobel.

Jean-Pierre Sauvage, a Frenchman, has 72 associated with the University in Strasbourg. Sir Fraser Stoddart, a Professor at northwestern University, has 74. The youngest of the three awarded, the 65-year-old Bernard Lucas Feringa, Dutch, working at the University of Groningen.

this year the prize was awarded for the creation of molecules, where the motion can be controlled. This is the basis for the creation of molecular machines. Looking from today’s perspective, we can say with a very high probability that such devices will also be used to create new materials, sensors, precision unimaginable today, energy storage system, the drugs.

“molecular Motor “today is in the same stage as the electric motor in 1830, when scientists introduced the arm and the wheels were set in motion by an electric current, not knowing that this will lead to the creation of trains, washing machines, fans or mixers” – said the press noblowskie jury.

the First step on the path to molecular machines made in 1983 by Jean-Pierre Sauvage. Through the use of copper ions he managed to combine two molecules to form ring.

Another step was made in 1991 by Fraser Stoddart. Planted molecular ring on a thin molecular axis, and showed that he can on that axis to rotate.

the Third of Nobel prize laureates George Bernard Lucas Feringa of the University of Groningen was the first who constructed a molecular motor. In 1999 he constructed a molecular rotor, rotating constantly in one direction – the latest version is 12 million revolutions per second. With the help of molecular motors, he was able to turn a glass cylinder with a length of 28 microns – 10,000 times more from the engine, and even build nanosamochód four molecular motors are fixed to the molecular frame.

how particles can perform the function, in principle, such machines? In order to perform some work, the molecules must gain energy. This can be obtained, for example by acting on it the light under the action of the dose of light energy will shrink or expand, this can occur cyclically. The compression and expansion alternately it has already done the work, this movement might have something to stretch or weaken. It is on this kind molekularnymi machines work this year’s Nobel prize winners.

molecular Machines found in nature in the cells of organisms. Work, however, different than those developed by Nobel laureates. Professor Robert Hołyst from the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the LORD explains what is the problem: – Nature winding its biological machinery largely uses the so-called thermal noise. It is the result of the fact that the molecules around us are moving very quickly, such as water molecules, with a speed of several hundred meters per second. This is how strong the collisions occur between the particles can be observed, when viewed under a microscope, soaked in water, pollen, constantly moving. The energy of thermal noise is billions of times more than the work the machine can perform. The Nobel Committee nothing about it said, but it dramatically reduces the use of molecular machines in any practical applications. Still not able to produce molecular machines that perform work useful to humans, emphasizes Prof. Hołyst.

– With all three winners we know each other and have been Dating for a long time. This is the absolute scientific elite of the elites. We drank together a bottle of good wine. All three are people who not only play fantastic science, but and live a full life, for example, melomanami. One of the winners, James Fraser Stoddart, visited Poland. In the early 80-ies. Stoddart together with Professor Janusz Lipkowskim and with me he called for a world conference dedicated to chemistry supramolekularnej, which first took place in he is, and then moved to the largest cities in the world – says Professor Janusz Jurczak Institute of Organic Chemistry and YOU.

Studies molekularnymi machines are also scientists from the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAN. They managed to develop nanowiatrak – the individual particles are set in motion by steam water.

Jean-Pierre Sauvage | Absolutely surprised

– Totally did not expect that I would be one of the lucky winners, either this year or in subsequent years. The award this award, I take it as an expression of recognition of the high level of scientific research in France and Europe, – said the Professor. Sauvage French President, when he called on the winner with congratulations.

Sauvage was born on 21 November 1944 in Paris. He studied at the Ecole National Superieure de Chemie in Strasbourg and at the local University Louis Pasteur, on which Juris graduated in 1971 under the leadership of Jean-Marie Lehna, a future Nobel laureate in chemistry. The author and coauthor of about 500 scientific articles.

At the University of Strasbourg as Professor Emeritus, linked to the present day. Among the numerous awards he has received so far, the most prestigious: the Grand Prix Izatt-Christensen (1991), Grand Prix Nessim Habif awarded by the University of Geneva (1995), the Prix Pierre Süe of the French Chemical Society (2005), Grand prize of the Catalan Sabatier Spanish Royal Chemical Society (2005), as well as the French Legion of honor.


Bernard L. Feringa | How the Wright brothers

I don’t know what to say. I’m in shock, the Professor said. Feringa, when he received the message about the award. – After long thinking, I shrugged my shoulders.

Feringa was born in 1951 in Holland. All his scientific life is connected with the University of Groningen, with a long break to work for Shell company. After reception of the thesis in 1978 was as a chemist – specialist in the field of organic synthesis for the private sector. In 1984 he returned to the University as a teacher.

His team in the late 90-ies. created the first molecular motor revolves in one direction. A few years later, scientists have built a “toy car” – a vehicle with four such engines.

In recognition of achievements in 2008, Beatrice the Queen awarded him a knighthood. Feringa is also an honorary foreign member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and also Vice-President of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

I Feel a little I, the Wright brothers, who built in the air 100 years ago and by watching this, people said why do we need flying cars, he said about the Award of the Nobel prize Feringa. – And now we have boeing 747 and airbus. The possibilities are huge. —pitch

James Fraser Stoddart | Horror Brexitem

Born in 1942 in Edinburgh Stoddart is one of the most successful scientists awarded this year Noblem. The mere enumeration of the awards will take a bite four pages in his RESUME. Is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society, German Academy of Natural Sciences, the American Academy of arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. With scientific precision, calculates that a few of his more than a thousand scientific publications had been cited 1500 times. His so-called indicator Hershey (defining the significance of the works of the author) is 130. For comparison, Nobel prize winners, as a rule, not exceed 60. In 2007. Queen Elizabeth II awarded him a knighthood. Currently, sir James Fraser Stoddart is working at northwestern University in the United States.

– This award is a sign of respect for the whole chemistry of the primary, he said in response to congratulations, stressing that it is the result of the work of the international team. I don’t like the Brexit. The government is crazy. I’m terrified that the situation in the country will tear me from this cooperation. I would like to Brexit has not happened.

Stoddart has two daughters. Wife, Norma, on behalf of which established a prize for graduate students at the University of Edinburgh, died in 2004. —pitch


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