Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Galaxy Note 7 is sowing destruction in GTA V Antyradio.pl

When it became clear that is very well accepted by customers smartphones Galaxy Note 7 explode because of a faulty battery reaction Korean manufacturer of instant ex – first ordered to suspend sales of the phone, and then announced a large share of exchange issued to the owners of the devices.

Plague was a huge financial blow to the giant – according to estimates, the replacement of 2.5 million models sold Galaxy Note 7 will cost from Samsung even billion. this is not the worst that could meet the manufacturer.

of Course, more severe can be the Association of the brand is not effective, well made smartphones (as it was until now), but dangerous for the health (and maybe life) of the equipment, filled with fire and brimstone.

As follows from unofficial information, it is the fear behind the creation of memes that put an equal sign between Samsungiem and explosions, was the main reason for the voluntary commencement of the replacement phones.

but, it Seems that the Internet and the developers of mods for popular games – so easily Samsungowi will not forgive. The owners of the GTA V can wreak in the game and the destruction of everything in its path as aphasia Broca, effectively using only the threat of Korean smartphones.

In real life, it was reported about the suspicion of the burning Galaxy Note 7 model car Jeep – in-game bomber potential of the phone is used to a much greater extent.

For fashion designers that would have been fun (if not been inspired by the competitors of the Korean manufacturer), for Samsung, this is another marketing nightmare lately.

Despite the statements about the substitution 60% smartphones Galaxy Note 7 in Europe (of which, apparently, only a small portion was really a threat for users), more was said about the fact that Koreańczykom managed to produce the Bang of the washing machine (which was not hit, but on the Russian market).

And what do You używalibyście explosions Galaxy Note 7?


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