Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Holidays at the Vikings mean a lot of the Internet. A lot of internet – Spider’s Web

logging on social platforms and browsing headlines portals technologies, the message of the day is one – took off Pokemon GO. Mobile application, on which I follow several months. But you will be disappointed!

Nintendo meticulously implements the strategy of ignoring the total Polish as one of the markets. Although the world premiere of Pokemon GO had just taken place, you will not find this application in the Polish iTunes App Store and Google Play. Mobile production may charge residents of South Africa, New Zealand or Australia. Poles – still do not.

In this particular case – it could just as well. Hangs up during the great disappointment Pokemon GO.

Most of us have had contact with animated Pokémon. Part even raised on emitted by Polsat fairy tale. How many packages of chips were bought just to enlarge the collection with tazosów stworkami. Pokemon is a fixed point on the map childhood of many Poles and no wonder that the same nostalgia you want to put your hands on the game with licensed stworkami.

Official Pokémon for smartphones and tablets, without buying a Nintendo console, no and supplement for free! Under such circumstances, who would not want to go back to a world filled with colorful Pokami , even for a moment, out of curiosity. I understand that perfectly.

On the other hand, I have long not seen as overly inflated balloon. Yes inflated expectations in terms of production, which is nothing but an empty shell half raw Free2Play. Most of you will be very disappointed. Will be weeping, moaning and gnashing of teeth.

Pokemon GO do not live up to the heels Pokom on the Nintendo 3DS. It’s a different production, on a different scale, made by another studio.

The flagship Pokemon Nintendo, starting with the iconic Red, Blue, Green and Yellow corresponds studio Game Freak. The creators based in Tokyo are specialized in the production of the next gaming hits with stworkami. Pokemon Gold and Silver, Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon Black and White or upcoming Pokemon Sun and Moon – all their work.

Game Freak has had equal 20 years of creating games with Pokémon , exclusively on Nintendo. Specialists who named the productions second and even third bottom. Introduced to the gameplay surprising depth, expressed in breeding genetically superior creatures, that are later used in the arenas online.


Pokemon GO is not responsible Game Freak. the mobile application for Android and iOS is the work of the studio Niantic. studies, which has experience in applications using enhanced reality, what the most popular fruit of their Ingress . that alone should give you a clear, that we have to deal with a completely different product.

Pokemon GO can be a great addition to the Japanese universe, but not the game itself.

You are over the water, remove the smartphone, you can see the water Pokemon nearby, then catches it – you’re done. You’re on a mountain ride, stops for a moment, unlocks the smartphone and catch pokemon rocky – collection increased. in short it would be basically enough .

Forget about exploring the fictional world, filled with oskryptowanymi events and picturesque villages. Pokemon GO is not and never will be a typical production in the fashion of those of veterans of Game Freak. Sure, Nintendo opens up to new platforms and new customers, but their flagship products are still kept under lock and key on their consoles. Do not forget it.

The launch of Pokemon Go

I do not mean that Pokemon GO will produce bad. not at all. it can be very interesting use of geolocation and augmented reality, on a larger scale than ever before. the problem is that I read comments from friends who do not expect it. My colleagues are counting simply “another game with Pokami,” a model of cult production on game Boy. it’s just that with better graphics and free.

this in turn affirm. no matter how much the Japanese will not open for smartphones and tablets, we have to realize one thing:

Best Pokemon, Zelda, Maria, Metroids and so on will still be available only on Nintendo consoles. end of story.


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