Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Witcher 3 premiere postponed again. How many will lose on this CD Projekt? – Money.pl

2014-12-09 13:40

 The Witcher 3 premiere postponed again. Million costs

[Photo: cd project red]

– The cost estimate for the transfer of small game a few million and they are mainly related to the salaries of the team. Furthermore, no additional costs will not – said Adam Kiciński, CEO of CD Projekt.

– It will not have a noticeable impact on our income statement . By shift and refine the game we look forward to a better acceptance by the players and consequently better sales – he added. He also said that the company does not provide for any contractual penalties from dealer games due to a delay deadline debut.

– Most distributors responded neutrally to this information. Part responded positively, because moving them does not cost anything and will polished game, because they know that they will be better, the more you earn – said the president.

Last night, CD Projekt decided to further postpone the debut of The Witcher 3. The current release date is May 19, 2015 year. CD Projekt originally assumed by the premiere of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt in 2014. In March, the company moved premiered on February 15, 2015 year.

– The game now has a lot of minor bugs and it is the main cause of displacement. The game is bigger than we expected and it will be more than 100 hours of gameplay, which is why the number of small things that you need to improve is very big – Kiciński said.

The incentive program is entered in the CD project goal, which says that the sum of net income for the fiscal years 2012-2015 in per share of the company shall not be less than 2,436 dollars.

Currently, the company’s share capital is divided into 94.95 million shares. This means that the assumptions for the incentive program shows that it has been launched to the sum of profits in 2012-15 should amount to no less than 231.3 million.

– We definitely want to fight to implement an incentive program for 2015. – Kiciński said.


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