Sunday, August 30, 2015

The water will not cure you with a hangover – Gazeta Wyborcza

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Benoit Daoust / 123RF




A study conducted by researchers from the Netherlands and Canada seem to confirm what I already knew: there is no effective way to get rid of a hangover.



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The Hangover is the worst punishment known to people for excessive alcohol consumption. All abusing alcoholic drinks tired of him since the dawn of time. Archaeological research indicates that in ancient Egypt, there were ways of mitigation. Unfortunately, we do not know how much helped wearing necklaces with butcher’s broom gałęzistego. Certainly in the effectiveness of this remedy for “drunk headache” they believe then living.

Scientists from the Netherlands and Canada have decided to look more closely at the problem of a hangover to find out whether there are effective ways to stop or amelioration of the condition and whether there are people completely resistant to it. For this purpose, they conducted a study to several hundred students.

The first test consisted of 826 students from the Netherlands. 54 percent. of them greasy food dishes immediately after consuming alcohol or a hearty breakfast. More than two-thirds of people drank water during consumption of high-proof liquor, and more than half drank it before going to sleep. Measures taken by all groups have one objective – to stop hangovers.

It turned out that while the symptoms of a hangover are a bit lighter in drinking large quantities of water, for much the same frequency of hangovers were similar in all groups.

I do not have a hangover!

Earlier studies have shown that as much as 25 percent. people consuming alcoholic beverages declared that they never had a hangover.

The researchers therefore decided to investigate why there is so extraordinary resistance to alcohol and its metabolites. For this purpose, they interviewed nearly 800 students from Canada who declared consumption of alcohol in the past month. It turned out that people who are not affected by the hangover, just a few drank. Among respondents who drank so much that blood alcohol concentration exceeded the two per mille, there was hardly any people who have not experienced hangovers.

– The more you drink, the more likely that you’ll have a hangover. Drinking water can prevent desire that occurs as a result of dehydration of the body, but does not protect against headache and nausea, which are the natural consequence of alcohol abuse – told the BBC Dr Joris Verster of Utrecht University.

According to the scientist the main problem It is that so no one really knows what is the mechanism of a hangover. – It’s not just a matter of dehydration. We already know that in some way is also a co-immune system, but they will not we develop the whole mechanism until we find no fully effective cure for a hangover – said Verster. He believes that the development of the mechanism of a hangover need for more research carried out under controlled conditions.

According to members of the research team, there is one effective way to prevent the formation of a hangover – to limit the amount of alcohol consumed.

Source BBC

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Comments (40)






                                 Interesting to me in medical school said that ketone bodies are a source of hangover and the best way for a hangover is glucose ° Of course the best he lived there. Well, what we demand of doctors cure a hangover in the hospital on duty ;-)











                                 I have written many times, but I repeat. The effectiveness of the following order:
    – marijuana + realnium (2mg)
    – marijuana
    – Relanium (at least 5mg)
    – “wedge” (quite slippery because such treatment can sometimes drag)

    To reduce the hangover worth it after drinking before going to bed to eat a bit of fructose (let it be spoon of honey) and in order to rehydrate.

    * marijuana – can be used only in countries where for its use of not threaten serious consequences, namely in Europe outside the Polish.











                                 The election tells me that exhausted today limit of free information … and I do not even know why I should pay for the information, on which depends the election … and if he does not care that reached me, what is this information worth it. ..?









                                 The Hangover is a penalty for stopping drinking.











                                 More superficial article about a hangover with a candle to look.








                                 Research on students are no longer valid. Student drink always, whenever there is an opportunity. And then there will be a kink in the evidence, or has a hangover or dumb – just to repeat the research.








                                 “Hangover is the worst punishment known to people for excessive alcohol consumption.”

    But to uchachałem,
    editor Skubi you must be brief and superficial biography, she does not know how terrible plagues are due naduży / photos / alcohol were hunt down a man. The Hangover, dear ladies, the lowest punishment and – how ineffective – repellent











                                 Always helps a beer or two, who can not, I recommend chicken soup.











                                 with all due respect, but scientists mentioned countries for objective reasons should not deal with this topic ……..





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