Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Alphabet arouses positive reactions of the media. “It’s just a seemingly great change” – Gazeta.pl

Yesterday evening news electrified us from across the ocean. Google ceases to function in the prior-form. Larry Page and Sergey Brin decided to create a new company called Alphabet. They moved to her most non-web projects, which Google worked so far. At Google, we left so search engine advertising, Android, Maps, Gmail, YouTube and similar products. The company is now a subsidiary of Alphabet.

F as in “Forbes” – this is only apparently a big change

Forbes journalists believe that the establishment of Alphabet is basically just a formal step that basically nothing does not change.

“It seems that this is a big deal. In a sense always the case when a company changes its name and corporate structure. But it really does not change very much, because Google guided numerous projects such as Calico or Google X using their “arms” such as Google Ventures and Google Capitaly, has long been a pretty independent. “

Forbes, like most commentators believe that thanks to the decision by Google” investors remain happy “.

“There have always been some concerns with regard to activities not related to the Google search engine and advertising. Uncertain prospects for these projects influenced the condition of Google, because they do not generate profit, were however considerable expense”. – Says Forbes.

Forbes cites Larry Page also explanations on the causes of the alphabet.

“New Google is lean, with many companies distant from online products transferred to the Alphabet. What do I mean by “remote”? A good example is the Life Science, a company that is working on lenses auditing glucose levels or Calcio, the company focused on providing our longevity. We believe that our decision to reassign these companies dL Alphabet provide them with greater independence . [] In general, our new model is a set of strong CEOs who will manage the individual companies. Sergei and I will serve them.

Google Particular projects will therefore have on one hand a stronger position in the market, on the other hand, will be had to face reality. Google begins to turn more years of research and investments in companies that ultimately will be profitable. Of course, this does not mean that we can expect a sharp acceleration, eg. in terms of lenses to detect glucose levels, but the decision Google is a signal: it already not a research project, is a company with flesh and blood, which in the end will present the project. Or will disappear.

Forbes also points out that the separation of Google as a separate company make it easier to manage it. First Sundar Pichai ceases to be something of a “PO of the President”, he becomes president of the real event. So its rank rises, rises also rank individual project managers. For Google, this means personnel promotions, better salaries, better position, more prominent positions. This will motivate to work and will stop those who do not want to be “anonymous IT managers.”

R as reactions workers and journalists in a nutshell

“Finally!”, “Moonshot” , “Sundar”, “Speed”, “Great!” “YES!” – Such reactions Google employees cites one of the editors Tech Crunch . It also describes his reaction, while perfectly depicting what has happened in most rooms editorial in the world when news reached them about the creation of Alphabet.

“message passed by the editors as a storm making most of us zajrzało in calendar to make sure it was not April 1st. “

Tech Crunch recalls, however, that in Google, which was founded 17 years ago, operates 57 thousand. humans. For most Google is inextricably linked to the Internet.

“If anyone spytałbyś Google what they were thinking when they think” Google “everyone would answer” Internet “- says journalist TechCrunch.

S as Sundar Pichai – “worthy successor to Larry Page”

Fig. Sam Churchill

The success of the President, Google does not INC portal doubt, invoking on the opinions of employees.

“There is a Google employee who said something bad about Pichai’u and his managerial abilities. It is brilliant, analytical, able to extract the team all the best. He was always the first in a series to direct the search giant after a possible resignation Page. Now he got his chance.

Pichai is responsible for most of the major projects and departments of Google for some time. He has the knowledge and talent to rise “lean” Google heights. There is no doubt that Pichai is a worthy successor to Larry Page.

T as “Tech Crunch” – “Google wants to have a new weapon in the battle for the most talented”

Rise Alphabet to be the new opening for Google employees. Tech Crunch believes that career path has so far been quite limited. With the Alphabet is about to change. Tech Crunch Google brings a new structure to the kingdom, which are subject to various fiefdoms.

“Alphabet creates more space for vassals, Google superstars. Instead of being another” vice president “or” department head “will be able to become presidents of companies , which will give more power to their assignment. Those guards will control entrusted to them good, they will receive assistance from the Crown, when it only needed to get in return all profits directed to the Alphabet. “

In a” Washington Post ” – “It will calm investors and allow to develop”

According to the Washington Post journalists Brin and Page’s decision will be well received in the stock market. For several years, investors less favorably looked for new business ideas. They felt insecure because the company that is the world’s largest Internet search engine is also engaged in risky investments such as self-steering cars or pills that help detect cancer.

“The creation of the holding company will allow for better financial transparency” – says Washington Post

Some analysts are wondering how the new solution will work in practice:

“The most important question is how these different companies will compete for capital.”

The point is that Google imposes on himself the rules more understandable in the business world. Shift research and investment to Alphabet allow better control on what is working, grocers giant, at what stage are the individual projects.

​​ Google Inc.

Google is a” General Electric “our era ‘

According to the Washinton Post Google transformed from an online business in a very diversified giant.

“Now Google will deal with search, Android, YouTube. Other branches of the company worth $ 444 billion will be transferred to the Alphabet. Among them Calico engaged in countering the effects of aging, the department dealing with the internet of things (eg. Smart thermostats Nest), a department dealing with drones (Project Wing), ultra-fast Internet (Fiber Project).

Alphabet goes substantially all of the Google X department, or laboratory focused on creating a completely innovative technology.

The Polish media also comment on the rise Alphabet. The most important feedback that we received.

A as “Antyweb” – “This is not only a symbolic movement”

Alphabet allow subsidiaries of the large autonomy, as well as the development of own brands. The average eater of bread for a good cause does not even associate that individual products or services in question come from one corporation. This independence can be an effective method of combating market regulators. Google has for some time plagued with accusations of monopolistic practices, while they appear not only in Europe but also in the domestic, US market, where the company is investing a fortune in lobbying. Alphabet in the long run may also begin to operate all patents belonging to the companies subordinate and thereby better protect them. Loose relationship but will invest much larger than previously companies that do not necessarily wholly they can be incorporated into Alphabet (at least initially). In my opinion, this opens up completely new paths of development and definitely not just a symbolic move.
However, formation of Alphabet also has a symbolic dimension. This kind of separated the traditional (Internet, mobile) technology, the technology of the future to be dealt to a subordinate companies. Google will continue to play a key role, but in the long run gives you a chance to develop companies of comparable size to it, which has not been possible. In this way, Google could extend its presence to a whole new plane of life of the average consumer and to make this like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing – in a completely different brand. – Written especially for us Tomasz Popielarczyk, technology journalist in Antyweb.p L

like “Wyborcza.biz”

Electoral quotes the opinion of one with analysts , which explained the reasons for the creation of Asocciated Press Alhpabet.

“Restructuring can investors better insight into what expenditures the company spends on its newer initiatives such. samosterownego work on the development of the car, contact lenses for diabetics that measure glucose levels in tears, whether on a project to install fiber-optic Internet networks suberszybkich in many US cities – rating agency quoted the AP an investment analyst Colin Gillis. “

Alphabet – whether it make a difference?

From our point of view, the creation Alphabet changed so much, at least in the short term. For Gmail, Android or Google Maps years corresponds to the same man and the band. Alphabet uprising can bring us something in the long run – a lot of projects that Google suppresses under one umbrella finally have a chance to change into something real and tangible, bringing us benefits.


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